Free Wifi

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Day 1

My name is Bob Cena. I woke up on the shore of the beach and I discovered that I'm stranded on an island. I look around to see if anyone else is with me to see if I'm not alone. I'm alone. God help me please. Bless my satanic soul. I should've not stolen the freaking Boku no Pico CD. Gotta love dat Boku no Pico (For the love of God and Jesus Christ, his son, please burn that masterpiece of Satan and spray it with holy water but the water is 9999 times more holy). Luckily, I have my phone with me. Yay. But my parents didn't want to give me 3G so I'm doomed. I even ran out of load. This starts my journey to find free wifi.

Day 7

WIFI PLEASE! COME TO ME! I luckily have a power bank with me so my phone is surviving... For now. All I could do here is either stare at the ocean or watch... Satan's.... Porno... ;-;

Day 12

I have made contact with the natives of this island. They look like they have uniforms and they welcomed me with complementary drinks and a flower necklace. Will this be some sort pf ritual to sacrifice me to Lord Moon Moon?

Okay, they brought me to this strange jail cell. It has a master bed, a flat screen Samsung TV, a huge window that shows how great the scenery of this island is, and the bathroom has a jacuzzi. This place is really weird.

Day 15

I swear, those natives keep giving me food like I'm some victim of a boat crash or something. Are they trying to make me fat so I can be a good sacrifice to our lord and savior?

Day 20

Almost the day... To be sacrificed to Lord Moon Moon. My last request is wifi. I need to tell my family that I love them... Do I even have a family?

Day 21

It's today. I will be sacrificed to Lord Moon Moon today. I asked the natives my last dying request, "What is the wifi password?"
The native replies with a unique and strange code, WELCOME. As I connected, I noticed that I'm just in some beach resort... Oops. Looks like Lord Moon Moon will have to wait.

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