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I was tagged by TheVelveteenChibi and masterhands. After what happened to me, I have decided to reveal my true self... To convey my feelings...

My meaning of life is having no troubles at all but the more you wish for it, the more trouble comes to find you. As such, I will begin talking about it.

Back in primary school, which is grade 1, I would always be a loner and sit at a corner of class, basically emoing away. This repeated itself until primary 4 where I met my life time best friend, Cliff. He was the one who pulled me out of that life. He introduced me to many friends but I would just say hi and walk away cuz of my shyness. But hey, when you just meet someone you can't just be like oh let's go on an adventure together right?(I'm not like Luffy! xP)

As time progresses, we talked more and more often and eventually, in primary 5, we formed the gang, Akatsuki.(Yes, I was introduced to Naruto.)

Basically, Akatsuki is taken from Naruto Shippuden and I was appointed as Sasori. I didn't know who that was because I only started watching Naruto. There was this rival, Ernest who really piss me off. His lunch box will be a Thomas and Train box and every time he plays catching, he will always try to sound like a train or a plane? I don't even know how to describe it. Then there was once in math class, I needed correction tape real bad and I just took it from Ernest table. I used it and he just used his nails and grabbed my hand damn tightly. That time I haven't started watching One Piece so I couldn't sort of use Haki to ease the pain. But seriously, it hurt and there was a little blood oozing out.

Our teacher scolded us both and we eventually apologised to each other but that was not the end of our rivalry. I didn't even know what to do though, I call him my rival but I don't even have anything to compare with him and I will always hang out with him.

Then, I think it was during mid year, I failed my maths and I literally cried in front of the class. 8/20 when I was supposed to be better at math than my other subjects. Ever since then, my mom found a great tuition teacher who helped make my name in class: Natural Talent.

In primary 6, up around mid year, there was this girl called Choi Ying. Basically, this is the girl who liked me for four days and before that, she liked Cliff. Cliff and her is the perfect match but then things happened and we had war with each other. Akatsuki vs *Forgot their group name*. But the war didn't only affect real life. We even had war in games called RuneScape and Backyard Monsters. Woah you wouldn't believe this. I nearly killed someone. There's this guy who like to bully me and then we had a fight and I accidentally tripped and fell forward, my hands in front of me, pressing against his chest. He had difficulty breathing yeah but I had difficulty getting up so he was running out of breath. Finally someone helped me up and I apologized to him and he was scared of me ever since then. I don't think you need the reason why.

Then, as quickly as the war started, it ended. We took our PSLE and then went on outings together, or did I? I forgot.

Then, when it is time to collect the results, I actually lost to Ernest. I got 4 straight As and aggregate 232. He got a 236. By only 4 points. I was so fed up and didn't talk to him for a while. Cliff cheered me up and eventually we parted ways.

During the hols, my mom brought my cuz and I to vietnam for a hol. Then one day of the trip, I saw my mom and cuz drinking fresh coconut water. I wanted to drink it but my mom said I had to share. I threw a tantrum and finally she let me drink one by myself. As if to haunt me, that night, I had an asthma attack. I thought I was going to die but luckily a doc was available at around 11pm and I was saved. I thought that was my retribution for almost killing that guy back then.

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