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Ladies and gentlemen, take a seat, grab some popcorn, because this might take some time. I know, you're probably wondering why the hell I'd be telling you how long it will take. But... it's just to be safe.

So hi. I'm Kayden Fields. Now I'm here to tell you my story. Our story, actually. I'm one of five kids involved in this - situation. We were all essentially lab rats. All our lives, we were in and out of cages and labs. It happened for years.

Until - we broke out.

Let me introduce myself, and my pack, to you formally. I am Kayden Fields. I'm 16, and I'm the oldest. At 6'3", you also basically become the leader too. Brown hair, dark blue eyes, and quite pale. It can look intimidating, but I swear, I'm nice. Sometimes.

Alexandria Fields. Alex for short. We all decided to use the same last name because it's easy to disguise ourselves. Alex is only 14. She's one of the youngest kids in our pack. Alex has blonde hair and green eyes. At 5'9", she's quite taller than average girls. But with her tan skin, Grant calls her 'the model' of the pack.

Rachel, the youngest. She's 13 and my worst nightmare. She's 5'10" with brown hair and light blue eyes, she could scare anybody. Her fairly light skin makes her eyes pop out more, making it easy to scare people.

Grant, he's the only other guy in our pack. He's 14, same age as Alex. Though, he is taller at 6'1". He's got black hair that might actually be blue. But he has brown eyes against his tan skin.

Finally, there's Kat. She's 15, the closest to my age. I always call on her as my second in command. She stands at 5'11", with her short platinum hair. She was experimented on the most. So her hair has changed color. From dark brown, to almost white. Her brown eyes match her old hair color. But now her hair matches her skin color.

That's enough about us as individuals. What makes us all the same? Well, at some point in our lives, they started to literally tattoo a dot on our finger every time we were experimented on. Helps to show who's destroying their experiment the fastest. With all the chemicals these doctors used, none of us are shorter than 5'9". Making it difficult to blend in.

But, you'll see. We are treated as the enemy. We are the zoo animals, and the doctors are our keepers. Read this to save yourself. Because it's already too late for us.

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