The Meeting

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~~Y/N POV~~

You where walking home from school in an uncrowded area when you felt a tug on your arm and a hand covering your mouth, you thrashed around trying to get out of the strangers grip but they where to strong, you bit his hand, the stranger made a hissing noise "You stupid girl! Don't do something you might regret!" he spat at her, "Let go of me you creep!" you yelled at the stranger, that's when you heard an unfamiliar voice "Hey you, dick-wit! let the girl go!" He yelled while walking up to you and the stranger " oh yeah buddy and what are you gonna do if i don't?!" he yelled back, that's when a fist collided with his nose and he let go of you falling to the ground clutching his now bleeding nose.

"Hey girly, you okay?" he says as his hood falls to his shoulders, his face looked as if it was burnt very badly, but you just stared "uhm, uh yeah i'm okay, and uh thanks?" you say still staring at his face, the man looked as if he hadn't been thanked before, " i look like an avocado had sex with a other older avocado don't i? " He says to you " Yes, yes you do" you laugh and so does he " well most people run away because of my face, so its weird that your still here" he replies while chuckling "oh come on, its not that bad!" you say slightly smiling as he looks away "so Mr. Avocado , whats your name?" you ask the man " its Wilson, Wade Wilson" he replied proudly "Well then Wade i'm Y/N L/N its nice to meet you!" you say as you stick out your hand for him to shake,once he shakes your hand you ask a simple question that caught him off guard " wanna exchange numbers Wade?" you said politely "U-uh sure!" he stutterers out, you take out a piece of paper and write down your number giving it to him, him doing the same "Well Wade! Give me a call sometime! we should hang out!" you say cheerfully " uh yeah sure thing Y/N!" he says putting his hood back on as you walk away smiling and waving at Wade "Byyyyeee Waaade?~~".

 Avocado , whats your name?" you ask the man " its Wilson, Wade Wilson" he replied proudly "Well then Wade i'm Y/N L/N its nice to meet you!" you say as you stick out your hand for him to shake,once he shakes your hand you ask a simple question th...

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