My 4th medal.

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Jane's pov

  And now for the  winner of this years Ice skating gold medal  is .........Jane Lee Glinka. Said the judge. Wow my 4th gold medal. To celebrate my prize we went to Gary's Famous Pizza House. (A/N don't know if it's a real place!) I got my favorite " meat lovers pizza" while my mom and dad got the classic cheese. Talk about boring. After dinner we went home. In 2 weeks I turned 9 and my mom promised me something big.  I have  everything a lot girl could ever want. I got my mom dad medals and I'm popular in school have 36 friends and love my BFF Tris. Tris and I became friends when we were two. My mom and hers were teaching us to skate and we grew a friendship. She hasn't been as lucky as me tho. Her dads an alcoholic and is in jail for selling illegal stuff. But other than that she has a good life. After we got home I got ready for bed brushed my teeth and put my hair in a messy junk bun. And climbed in bed. I said good night to my mom and dad and with that I fell asleep.

What happened to I will never leave you?(Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora