Girl Meets World

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I hate my life. Scratch that, I hate where my life is going. I've lived here in freezing Alberta my whole life, and now it's being moved over to sunny Australia for my mum's job. She is a famous surgeon so I don't see her much but I still have to leave all of my friends, schools, and memories behind.

My name is Rylee. I'm 15 years old, I've got thick wavy light brown hair, and green eyes. I'm about 5'7, I'm insecure with my body but isn't everyone. I have my own sense of fashion. Usual vans, or converse, black leggings or skinny jeans, and either big, black, or plaid shirts. I love volleyball and basketball, music, and food. I've never had my first kiss, never had a boyfriend, and I have no dad. He left when I was five, and it was hard on me and my mum. For that, she became more distant. She drank, she got off her addiction to become a surgeon and now she's the best surgeon anyone could ask for. I would say I'm happy for her but I barely know her anymore.

Now it's 9 in the morning and I'm off to the airport with my mom. It was the longest 45 minute drive of my life. She didn't talk, she didn't play the radio, she didn't ask anything, she didn't even look at me. It was like riding in a car with a traumatized...stranger! How's that for a mother. I had already said my good-byes to my friends, and I had my Iphone, headphones and IPad with me in my carry on. We had finally got through security and are now waiting to board. She sat 5 seats away from me. For the whole half hour before boarding I had to resist listening to music on my phone so I could save my battery for the long flight ahead. Our gate number is finally called. Mum goes up with our passports and hands them to the lady. She scans them and wishes us a nice flight. We walk through the gate but I have to walk faster to catch up with my mom.

We finally get on the plane and find our first class seats. I sit next to my mum but she just puts on her seatbelt and closes her eyes. So I decide to put on a movie. As we take off I think about how long the plane ride will be, and what kind of person I want to be in Australia. I'm on my way to a fresh start.

Sorry if you don't like it. I Don't like to rush through fabrics, but in the next chapter I promise something more exciting will happen :)

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