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Luc smirked, his eyes solely focused on the store across the street, or at least, what was in it. He lifted the binoculars up, his eyes looking across at all the pretty things inside the jewellery store. There were so many, too many to count. But there was one thing that was more beautiful then any other.

He watched as a pair of delicate hands placed a brand new ring under the counter, and then wave goodbye to a co worker. The smirk pulled even further at the corners of Luc's mouth. Closing time, the best and most perfect time to strike. He was going to enjoy finally getting his hands on this one of kind little treasure.

He finally left his hiding place, however, instead of attacking through the front door, Luc went to the back. He stood, his hands in his pockets as he looked to the locked door. He pulled a hand from his pocket, dialing a number on the phone within it, before bringing it to his ear.

"Hello?" A soft voice came, making Luc smirk.

"Ah yes, hello." He started off, dropping his bag from his shoulder. He lent down and began to pull a few things from it. "I'm from Le xxxx. It seems there was a mistake. We sent some new merchandise out, but yours got mixed up with another store in the area."

"Oh.. Is that so?" The voice replied. "The Manager isn't here at the moment, you.."

"I'm out at the back door now. I can easily fix this mistake within a matter of minutes." Luc said, cutting off the other voice.

A soft, worried sigh came from the other side of the phone. "Uhh.. That sounds okay. Hold on and I'll be right there."

Luc smiled and waited at the door. As soon as it opened he reached in, slapping a pair of hand cuffs on the slender wrist that opened it.

"Such a good boy." Luc said, watching as the boy staggered back, pulling at the hand cuff. "Now now, where are you going?" He said, pulling at the boy's wrist and turning him around, snapping the other side of the handcuff on the other hand.

Luc walked in, closing the door behind him. He released the boy who fell to the ground.

The boy frowned. "What are you doing? You can't do this! You.."

"So, little dumb one, what's your name?"

"M.. my name..? It's Émilien. But.. that's beside the point!"

Luc leaned over, grabbing at Émilien's arm and lifting him up, now leading him towards the front of the store. "Nice to meet you. You've been a great help."

Luc sat the boy on the ground as he began to pack jewellery into his bag. He picked up the ring Émilien was holding less then five minutes ago.

Émilien's eyes widened. "No! You can't take that one!"

Luc smirked, but let the expression fall from his face. He looked over his shoulder at Émilien. "Oh, and why not?" He questioned, turning to face the other male. He smiled a little, his eyes looking over the boy.

Émilien had a worried expression on his face. "Because it's been sold. It's very important, if you take it the store will have to close down.

Luc crouched down, reaching out to caress Émilien's cheek and brush his pretty, long blonde hair behind his ear. His own dark eyes stared into Émilien's sky blue ones. "And why should I care about something like that?"

Émilien continued to look up at Luc. "Take anything, just not that ring. I beg of you!"

Luc smirked just slightly. holding the ring up and looking at it. "So.. What if I don't take it? What will you give me in return?" He asked, looking back to Émilien.

Émilien looked confused but began to think quickly. "I.. I don't know.. Anything you want!"

Luc nodded. "Anything, huh? Well then, what about.. a kiss?" He said, one hand on the ground as he leaned in close to Émilien.

Émilien's cheeks blushed intensely. "B.. but I'm a guy.." He said softly, stuttering as he spoke.

Luc looked away. "I guess the ring isn't that important then." He said about to stand up.

"NO!" Émilien shouted. "I.. I'll do it!" He said, a determined look on his face. He faced forwards, closing his eyes and pouting his lips.

Luc shook his head, reaching up to grip Émilien's jaw, parting the boy's lips. "Not that kind of kiss." He said, pressing his lips against Émilien's and then parting them.

Émilien's eyes widened when he felt Luc's tongue slide into his mouth. He tried to pull back, only to have Luc pull him close. It wasn't long before Émilien gave in submissively, returning the kiss.

Luc reached down with his free hand, placing the ring, a key, and a note into Émilien's hands. He broke the kiss, looking at Émilien's blushing cheeks.

"I never thought you'd taste this sweet." He said, now standing. "Thanks, I had fun." Luc turned, now beginning to walk off.

Émilien sat there, completely shocked and confused, the blush still on his cheeks as he stared at the backpack full of jewellery Luc left on the ground.

" tricked me..?" He said, looking to Luc who was already out of sight. He unlocked the cuffs and stood, running out towards the back door. He stepped outside and looked around, Luc no longer in sight.

Émilien raised a hand to his lips, touching them softly. "But.." He said softly, his free hand gripping to the piece of paper. He looked down at the note, now opening it.

"Name's Luc. Lets meet again soon, my little treasure."

Trickery (Yaoi) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now