"Darling, You Will Be Okay"

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This was supposed to be the prologue for this book, but I have to decided to make it a very short, short story. Comment if I should make this into a whole book, and if so, if I should make it about someone else. Anyway, Enjoy.


     Michael Clifford is known as the biggest asshole in town. He is a punk, sleeps around, smokes, gets into fights daily, and so on.
     Soleil Frances is also a punk and a bit of an asshole. But she does not sleep around, drinks, and she rarely gets in fights.

When she gets too drunk one night, she loses her virginity to Michael. But he left before she woke up, making her think she slept naked. She goes back home but not without a follower. Michael will not let her out of his sight, and it annoys her. His presence over the weeks, he makes her feel smothered; it gives her stress, and leads to depression.

"Michael, stop. Can't you see what you're doing to me?" She cries out.

"What do you mean? I'm only keeping you safe, love."

"No...no you're not. You are hurting me..smothering me. I need space, Michael. Give me space, dammit!"

He hugs her before exiting her house. But before he actually leaves, his head pops back in for a second.

"Are you sure, darling?" "Yes." He lets a tear slide down his check before slamming the door closed.


She has been even more depressed since Michael left. She knows it was her fault that he left, but now she regrets it.

"Maybe I should call him...tell him I'm okay now...and that he can come back." She says to her friend, Chassity. But her friend didn't answer. "Hey, if that's what you want, go for it. I just don't want to help you make the decision in case he doesn't want to come back. Then you'll get upset and mad, and blame me. But you know I would help, if that weren't the case."

She glares at her friend, playfully. "Soleil. Stop." But she didn't stop. "Ugh, fine! I'll help you. Go for it.  Give him a call. But remember, if he doesn't want to come back, don't blame me for the wrong 'advice'." Soleil nodded.

She was about to hang up on the fourth ring, when he finally answered. "Soleil? What do you want?" She bit on her lip anxiously. "You. I mean...you can come back. I'm fine now, and...and actually, I'm not. I've been more depressed since you left. I can't take it. I took you for granted, and I'm sorry. Please come over?"

However, Michael didn't want her anymore. Or at least that's what he though at that moment. "Oh, baby, I'm sorry. You said you'd be fine without me. What happened?" He said, putting up an act. Soleil couldn't tell though, while in her state of mixed emotions.

"I miss you. I'm really sorry Michael. I shouldn't have said that. I was just...stressed and needed space for a while. I didn't even talk to Chassity for a week. But... I feel even worse now. I need your company. Please Michael."

The one last thing he said before hanging up, had her surprised. Soleil sat there, her mouth agape and eyes wide in shock. Before she knew it, she was sobbing in her friend's arms. She regrets it more than ever. His words circling in her mind, never leaving.

"Darling, you will be okay."

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