Chapter 1

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Hi, my name is Emily. I live by a cemetery. I can almost swear I hear noises! But my mom says it's all just in my mind. I don't believe that. Sometimes I go out when I'm supposed to be asleep and look out there.
       I don't see anything.its always the same thing. Sometimes I hear "hhheeelllpppp mmmmeeeee" and it sounds like my great grandma. I just stand there and don't say a word. I can hear other voices to. They sound... Um... Just not nice.
        "Emily come down for breakfast!"
"Coming mom"
I walked downstairs and I see a bowl sitting there with cereal by it. "Mom where are you!" Just walking into the kitchen is my mom.
"Just had to go to the bathroom."
"Oh ok I thaught something happend to you."
"Honey nothing's going to happen to me. I know the cemetery scares you but there is nothing to be afraid of. And I saw you walk out like night. Stay in your room and don't come out when you have to sleep. Ok?"
"Get ready for school when your done Hun you have to walk today."
"I work early."
"Oh ok bye mom love you."
"Love you to."
Did I mention my dad left me when I was 2? It was really sad for my mom. All I remember is when my mom and dad getting in a fight. I'm just eating cereal and my dad is yelling at the top of his lungs and my mom screaming. He got to far and tipped my moms great grandmas pot. Oh you don't know how mad she got. She was mad and sad. The sadness took over and then she was weak. My dad watched her and he turned to me and said, "I love you so much."
"Daddy what happend?"
"Daddy has to go for a while."
He gave me a big hug and just left.

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