your name in his contacts#15

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doing any request tomorrow so please leave some :)

Niall:  princess Horan <3

he knew you were perfect togeather and soon he knewyou would take his last name he always refered to  you as princess it was like princess was now your name,and that was what he made you feel like. he just thought it was perfect when he put it in his phone :)

Harry: my dimple freak x

harry loved the fact you also had dimples so he wasnt the only one so when you poked his dimples hecould get you back, and he loved when you smiled or laughed it would make your dimples really stand out. he thought the name was cool so he kept it. ;)

louis: my sassy girl <3

aswell as louis you also had a sassy side to you. louis loved to see your sassy side. he thought the name suited you so he put it in his phone as your contact.

liam: jessie <3

as you know liam loves toy story ans as did you. he loved how jessie and woody were togeather it reminded him of you two together, perfect.

zayn: my bad baby girl x

zayn got referd to as the bradford bad boi and he also had a  of a mischevious side to his. zayn loved how you were naughty at times cause it really turned him on. you didnt know he had it in his phone untill you were trying to phone him and he left his phone at home but you soon got revenge.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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your name in his contacts#15Where stories live. Discover now