The Start.

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Before we start: if your reading this you care bout lil' old me! Huh, maybe I'm not so un-popular as I thought...

I was born into a Christian (well baptist if it want to get technical) home and went to church every Sunday/Wednesday (excluding not going because of being sick).

I definitely wasn't your poster child for Christian monthly. I bit, punched, called my sister a few bad things (not curse words just not nice ones), was rude to my parents, ect. And I'm NOT proud of that. But to be fair...I was only about 7 when all of that stuff still happened. And my dad wasn't a good influence on me. He never did anything horrible, but he was VERY anger prone. I remember he'd blame my mom for everything wrong that happened and they even would threaten to divorce at times (though it never happened).

I have 4 siblings: 2 older brothers, 1 younger sister, and 1 younger brother (but, again if you'd like to get technical, I have 6. Three of which I never met because they died in the womb before any of us were born. But I still count them even if I'll never know them). My dad almost never went to church. And when he did go, it was a little embarrassing since everyone knew us but not him. And yes, I know it shouldn't be embarrassing for him to go to church but you don't know my dad. He swears and is SUPER rude at times, (some more things that aren't any longer a problem but I promise nothing terrible) and is the reason my self esteem is so low. All that aside, honestly he is trying and I'm glad for it.

My family is all Christian. Mom's side (well kinda but we can get into that later) and Dad's side. And I will admit, my testimony isn't all that exciting, I was never drug addicted, I never had a smoking problem, I never did horrible things just to find Jesus in the end and repent of my sins. So no. I'm just a simple Baptist girl.

Anyway, I think I'm drifting off the subject here.

I was born on December 5th 2002 during a blizzard. Born a Christian. Raised a Christian. To this day a Christian.


So in the next part you will see some more interesting things if I don't bore you to much.

God bless!


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