March to the Sea

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 And we're dying with every step we take , We're dying with every breath we make

She was suffocating, drowning in her own world. And every time her fight to keep living dwindles a little. It dwindles and tells her to stop walking to stop forging ahead when it's so easy to simply stop.

Then the wages of war will start, Inside my head with my counterpart, And the emotionless marchers will chant the phrase: This line's the only way

And oh how she wishes it to end. For the fighting to stop and the voices to quiet. For the small whispers in her head to stop urging on the thoughts. But they don't, they keep going and she's certain she's going mad. But oh how much she wants to give on to those words, to simply end it all now.

My eyes are focused on the end of land, But again the voice inside my head says, Follow me instead

And she was oh so tempted to follow the voice. To leave everything behind. To finally succumb to her deepest darkest wishes. Her control was slipping, she realized. With every step, with every breath her control moved slightly out of her reach. The voice kept urging her to leave this place behind and at times she found herself agreeing after she had nothing here. No friends, no family, nothing to fight for, no one would care. No one would notice.

I don't want to march here anymore, I realize that this line is dead, So I'll follow You instead

So she does. She gives in and it feels so good. To finally let go to finally lift the burden that has so heavily been dragging her down. She feels like she can do anything. With every cut with every drop of blood she She's no longer tied down to everything that held her back. She no longer worries about what people will think, about been the best-- no about been the second best. About all of the expectations she needed to live up. It's just her in the small dimmed roomed with nothing but a razor and her hand. And yet she feels more achievement from that small act than she has felt in her entire life. Painting red over her white canvas. What may seem like just lines to others are works of art to her. Each and every line holds a story, it's an art and she's in awe of the master piece they create together.

Follow Me Instead

The air rushing against her face sent her blood pumping. A burst of adrenaline immersed her body and she was shocked at how sure she was of this. She had never been so sure of nothing in her entire life. She could appear to be yes, after all putting up a facade of confidence and acting seemingly fine were her strong suit, but she had never ever been this sure before. And so when the voice inside her head told her to follow them she nodded.

'I'll follow you.'

And she jumped and with closed eyes and spread arms she awaited for the absolute fate. She had picked that specific place on purpose knowing that any chance of survival was non existent. She felt the freedom in her as she fell surge through her body. An excited gasp left her lips as she enjoyed the feeling. Soon she would be completely free of the burdens and pressure that had plagued her day and night. Of those nightmares that where both in her dreams and in the reality she lived.

And so when her body made contact with the ground she felt no pain only numbness and with a small smile gracing her lips she welcomed the darkness that engulfed her.

'Because letting go is so much easier'


a/n   henlo, i'm back with something new as the description says the updates ill be slow and completely random. I'm probably gonna do some angsty shit or w.e. please keep in mind that next chapter will have nothing to do with this one. Think of them as really short stories or sumthing. well i hope you enjoy (creds to TOP for the song and the title cuz i was too lazy to find something else btw the song probably has nothing to do with suicide but i thought it fit so i did it) p.s as for the other story i had planned i will publish soon enough

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