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I tap my foot nervously as I grip the arm rest of the chair. "Melanie Martinez" the waiting room nurse calls.

I stand and follow her into the big office. I walk in and there's a sign on huge desk, it read "Dr. Marina Diamandis"

"Dr. Diamandis will be right with you dear." she smiled, it was obvious it was fake and she plastered it on for every patient so I just rolled my eyes and took a seat in front of the desk. taking in my surroundings, feeling trapped in the huge room.

suddenly the door opens and in walks the therapist. she seemed fairly young, she had black shoulder length hair with small waves, and she looked absolutely astonishing.

"hi I'm Dr. Diamandis" she smiles extending a hand, I shake it and quickly cross my arms.

"before we get started, would you like me to call you Melanie or Miss. Martinez? I want you to feel as comfortable as possible" she smiles looking up from her notes.

"you can call me mad hatter" I smirked slightly, sinking down a little the chair as some would call "unlady like" but why the fuck would you genderize a seating position....

"excuse me?" she asked for rowing her brows slightly.

"well as you can see in your notes I have bpd. or as most of my family would say "shes cuckoo". they think I'm nuts, they think I'm mad, the say tell the physiatrist something is wrong they think I'm psycho, they think I'm gone. but I think the all the best people are crazy. maybe that's just me"

"do you think you're any of their things?" she asks with a pen in hand.

"oh Jesus. you're one of those therapists that answers everything with a damn question!"

"what do you mean?"

"exactly." I say letting out a sigh

she smiles slightly, "you're different than most of my patients" she says looking at me, but really looking at me, inspecting every inch of my body.

"well if you're the mad hatter, I guess I'll be alice. and that's the end of our session, I hope to see you next week Melanie. and Melanie. keep taking your meds." she says smiling.

shocked at how fast the time went by I gave her a small wave before leaving. her image still on my mind.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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