Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Samus easily kicked Peach to the side and while she was down turned to face her other challenger, Ike. The blue-haired swordsman charged toward her, weapon raised high.

Samus jumped out of his path to the platform above. Ike growled and leaped up beside her. He striked a bit too quickly and hit Samus with the flat of his blade.

Samus flew backwards from the force of Ike's blow, her arm still slightly stinging. She was just about to leap up and promptly kick him where the sun don't shine when she saw a pink umbrella hurtling toward the back of Ike's head.

Peach. Samus's expression did not waver and the huntress stayed on the ground as Ike approached her. Ike smirked at her and... THWACK!

The pink umbrella hit Ike in he back of the skull. The swordsman stumbled a bit. Samus lurched up, taking the opportunity that the pink princess had given her, and kicked him off the stage.

"K.O!" Yelled Master Hand. The blonde huntress and the princess of toads faces each other.

Samus knew she was going to win. She was far more skilled at battling and this girl.. Well Samus didn't know much about the princess, but she knew that princesses were the ones that got saved. Samus was confident.

The bounty hunter maliciously smiled and.. Promptly got knocked off the stage by a pink umbrella.

"Goddamnit, Peach." Hissed Samus as she fell to the matted floor with a thump.

"Good game?" Someone asked. Samus turned around to face Ike and took his outstretched hand.

Ike pulled her up and they shook.


"AND THE WINNER IS......PRINCESS PEACH!!" Master Hand announced. The cheering and booing started up and Samus and Ike dropped hands.

Ike dropped the towel he had been using to wipe off his sweat and went up to the arena, Samus followed him.

As soon as she got up the stairs a blur of brown hair almost knocked her back down them.
"Sammy! You did great!"

"Thanks Zelda." Samus said, awkwardly patting the Hylian girl on the back.

Zelda stepped back from her friend and wrinkled her nose, "Shower time!" the monarch announced, gently pushing the blonde huntress toward the washrooms.

As she rinsed the sweat from her body, Samus wanted to scream. She couldn't believe that she had lost another match! To Peach of all people! Samus had been so close to winning! The three of them had all bee down to their last "life", but Peach had claimed victory. It made Samus's blood boil to think she had been so close to winning. Heck, she practically had won! Samus had been the one that got Ike out; and he had been a fierce competitor.

At least the blue-haired teen was nice. Peach was a makeup obsessed pretty-pretty princess with thousands of boys chasing after her silky pink clad ass.

Samus would have been happy for Ike if he won, well not exactly happy, but more wiling to accept the fact she had lost.

Samus turned off the water and squeezed the excess liquid from her long, blonde hair.

She would just have to deal with the defeat. Everybody makes mistakes. Samus wrapped a towel around her damp body and pushed the thought from her overly-crowed mind and turned to a fresh topic. The topic that every smasher was buzzing about.

Link and Zelda.

Of course Samus didn't really give a shit about the whole "dating" thing, but that didn't mean that she didn't think that a certain green-garbed hero should stop procrastinating and just ask Zelda out already. It was painfully obvious that he liked her; and it was painfully obvious that the monarch would say yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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