I Am Amos

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Entery for 'weekly contests' by @Contest-Girl

979 Word

The atmosphere wasn't quite, the teacher was still explaining the lesson, the students were murmuring and chatting silently but their noises clear as the humming of the bees, quite but existing, the noise coming from the under -construction building added the final touch to make it impossible for anyone to feel peace or quietness, but sitting on his chair among the equivalent students, he didn't feel them all neither did he hear any of them. It was like he has been to a whole another world, away from everything and everyone, too caught up in the letters he is creating and the words he's forming. A habit of his, to suddenly doze off in a paper, dreaming in a world -he knows- is a fantasy. But he just loves the feeling, the feeling where he gets to forget the painful realities and those ruthless truths, and maybe, the sky door's would be open, and his prayers will be accepted.

His hand swept across the paper, gliding smoothly drawing those brown strands he always thought they were beyond beautiful, he drew the eyes he always got lost in, a dark shade of blue just like the deep ocean and then gazed at those lips he dremt of kissing.

'Even in such a simple portrait, she was beautiful' He thought to himself.

"Hey pssst! Watcha drawing tetchy?!" Someone said from behind him. He knew this was just another one of these people who feels joy in the misery of others, so he just ignored them, and continued to move back and forth slightly while finishing his drawing.

"Hey! You deaf too?! I am talking to you freak" The voice spoke again, anger radiating dangerously from them. But Amos still didn't pay attention and kept swinging the colours on the paper.

Just as the guy was about to pull Amos' chair, leading him to fall butt first on the ground, the bell rang, and the lunch break is already on.

He gathered his papers and notebooks, all full of drawing for no one but her. To him, she was like a cure to his illness, a medicine to his sickness. He knew that she would be the only one able to make it up to him for all those painful years, ever sense he was born, and destined to be cursed.

It was a curse, indeed it was. Everyone knew it, and acted upon it. They treated him as if he chose to be like that, as if he wanted it. But its his fault, he knew it definitely his, because he preferred living, and that, on Earth, is a crime.

He walked down the hallway, pumping into students who were rushing out of their classes, not sparing him a glance. Amos was going to meet up with his friend, Beatrice, at lunch, as usual, but suddenly he felt someone walking straight into him, knocking down everything he was holding tightly against his chest, including his heart.

"So your case got upgraded to deafness?! Okay hold on! lemma recall the list, freak, weirdo, tetchy, phsyco, alien and now a deaf. Wow, such a long list dude" a Brown haired boy, probably named Edward said -Amos couldn't remember neither did he even care-.

Amos bent down, gathering the papers that were spread around them. But as he was grabbing another paper, he became aware of the herd surrounding him, boys and girls, Edward's herd.

Edward bent down as well and took one of the papers, one that held a black and white portrait of the girl, showing her ultimate beauty. Amos felt jealous, he didn't want anyone to see his baby, she was his, even if it was only in his dreams.

Amos stood up quickly, making a sound in his throat that sounded like a caged Grr. He didn't look at Edward's eyes, but damn well he tried his best to snatch that paper out of the guy's hand. But it wasn't easy, since Edward is the best athlete in the whole school, while Amos......He was just a sick kid. A very sick one.

"Oh look, the tetchy happened to be such a love sucker"

Suddenly, A seizure barged through Amos' body, and he started screaming, of pain, of being odd, being sick, getting bullied. He set the agonised screams out of their cages, like wild creatures being set free.

He started shaking, his whole body trembling like crazy. He could even hear their laughs through the trauma. But all he could do was block his ears, and out of the blue, they all started rotating around him, like blurred shadows, ghosts. Like those that used to terrorise him when he was a kid. And just like old times, he couldn't do anything but scream and scream, till they go away.

He fell on the ground, backing away till he hit a wall, calming down a little but shaking as ever, tears still wet on his cheek, pathetic how he, as a 16 year old man, cried like a baby.

He saw her, the angel of his dreams, the sun in his nights, the love of his life, standing beside Edward, his hand on her butt, grabbing her closer to him, to make Amos see, to make Amos silently die.

"Wanna tell Amos something Sweetheart?!" Edward turned to Elizabeth, loosening his grip a little.

"Oh yes" She giggled. "Stay away from me stalker. Can't you see?! you are pathetic, worthless and unlovable. Go die or something" and like that, after shooting her daggers, they left.

Amos kept shaking, rocking back and forth. She was right, he was pathetic, and he must die. Why did he ever think that she might look at him, after all, he's just an autism.


@Contest-Girl , Hey, entry for Contest #17
Hope nothing but the best :D *fingers crossed*

Winner of Weekly contests, contest #17 first place on 17/2/2016

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