The Laws Of Time

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When one messes with nature's laws, they must be prepared to face the consequences. 'Rules are made to be broken' they say, but you should always remember the shards you'll have to walk across after shattering them. Those rules are there for a reason; no matter how hard you try to run from your responsibilities, they will always catch up to you.

Sometimes you'll think one time won't matter and you'll think you've finally done it. You've dodged your problems, you avoided the shards. You aren't just a survivor, you're the winner. But you couldn't be more wrong: because that's exactly what happened to me.

I thought I had done it. I beat the laws of time. The barrier was broken, the shards were flying. But now I live through something scarier. I'm traveling through the vortex, I'm going to die.I was warned time and time again, but I didn't care. I love to run, but it's now caught up to me. I can't run anymore but...

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