Training time

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"S-SkipPAH!" Private yelped, skipper was pushing private to the limits.
"Relax Private, this hurts because you haven't taken your training seriously in a long time, it's time to get your head out of the clouds and focus!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!! ten push up ho"
"OKAY' okay!!!..." Private cried for mercy while doing the ten push ups, he was doing good until after the first one, he died.
"good" skipper muttered..
The zoo vet came as QUICk as he could and came to the scene. "What's! Going on here?" He shouted, he checked the passed out penguins pulse, "nothing.....I have to call in the Top Gun(tm)" the Vet called in the Top Gun(tm) and then they came in and rushed to the poor penguin...

Skipper felt so terrible for pushing Private too far... He shouldn't have done that but Skipper really wanted Private to keep training as much as him but He had now learned that everyone is different. The Top Gun had taken Private with him for further investigation into his state of health and left the three penguins to themselves.

Some time had passed and the Penguins had developed to get used to just having three penguins. It felt more empty and harder to plan attacks with just three penguins. Suddenly, the red alarm button in their cave started to flash rapidly,
"Kowaski! Status." Skipper ordered.
"Someone is trying to reach us!! And I think I have an idea."
"Hmmm... Will I like it?"
"No sir"
"I think we are thinking of the same mammal.."
"Blow Hole" they both said at the same time.
Rico went wild.
"YeayeYheatgeayg!!!! Let stats go!!" Rico screamed, "let's kill blow job" ok
"Okay let's go, where is Private- oh...... Never mind....." Skipper sighed, Kowaski grabbed his fin and held his fin until they all escaped their cave.

"Mwahhahahahahah!!!!!!" A myserteous and annoying chipper voice laughed.

"Ugh! Blow Hole!" Skipper groaned.

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