Part 1

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It was the start of the second semester when Sam walked into school. He was nervous. The whole school year, since 8th grade, he has been getting bullied by the football players because he was different. Even though it is 2016 and they should just accept who I am, he thought as he shakily opened the door to the school thinking about the reasons why he is bullied. 

Just to be clear, Sam is gay. He doesn't care about what everyone says about him but it hurts to be shoved into a locker or a wall or be punched every day. He was hoping he could just sneak past them and not be seen but he was wrong.

"Hey faggot!" yelled Jack as he shoved Sam into a locker. He was one of the worst ones but not the one Sam hated the most. 

Sam didn't say or do anything. He just kept on trying to keep walking. "Where are you going?" Jack asked, grabbing Sam by the collar of his shirt to bring him up to his face.

"I-I'm j-just-"

"Y-You're j-just what?" mocked Jack. a couple of seconds later two other bullies came looking ready to beat Sam.

"What the hell are you doing? Leave him alone," Sam looked up to see Eric, the jock he hated the most. Of course it was nice that he got the other three to leave him alone but he still hated him. Jack threw down Sam notebook and books as he shoved past him and glared at Eric. Eric kneeled down to help Sam pick up his books.

"You okay?" Eric asked, smiling at Sam. 

"I'm fine," Sam rolled his eyes and snatched the books out of Eric's hands. 

"Just trying to help."

"Whatever," Sam quickly got up and walked away not wanting to get into more trouble with Eric. He walked to his locker only to see his best friend standing there waiting for him with an angry look on her face.

"What did they do to you? Those jerks. Do I need to go beat some one up?" Tracey glared in Eric's direction and was about to walk to him when Sam grabbed her arm and laughed at her telling her that he was fine.

When she was sure he was fine (she checked his arms for bruises and smoothed out his shirt with her arms until he uncomfortably, but gently shoved her off), they walked to class together and got into their seats. 

Luckily, first period was their favorite class because their teacher, Mrs. Pastel, would spend most of the day talking about her life and wouldn't really teach anything. They were okay with it though since it was just art class. 

After 55 minutes of listening about Pastel's problems with her new boyfriend, they went to second period- math. Well, Sam went to math. Tracey had English. Third period was chemistry, fourth was history, and then lunch.

Tracey was the only person Sam sat with because... he had no other friends but he didn't care because he really liked being friends with Tracey.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2017 ⏰

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