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TIME: three years before the story/  PLACE: middle of south Clankshire, a bar/  PEOPLE: Tierra Tejedor, Captain, Doc, Drawde, and Miotal Puipead 


My crew gone, my cargo sunk, my friends dead, and all I care about is the fact that I lost all my money.  Well, thats only normal for a captain whose only loyal crewmember was his first mate.  Thank god that they committed a mutiny and kicked me off of the ship.  If those lousy bastards hadn't done that, I would be in the belly of a gulp.  Goddamn those things are ugly.  Big and squid-like, but instead of a beak, the things entire head is like a massive hole of stomach acid and teeth.  Like a krakens really hungry older brother.  


Well, this sucks.  nowhere to go, no place to go back to, and no money rolling in.  gotta find a job soon, but that would imply that i care.  which i dont, so imma just sit here, thinking with the captain, laughing at those stupid snobs on the boat, the one that is currently getting digested.


Finally, I'm in Clankshire.  Ahh, it feels so nice to say hello to the local officer without them thinking that you are a terrorist, or scanning you for "the disease", what  a load of shit,  "the disease".  HAH, they know what I can do with my "disease" and damn is it fun.  Or at least it would be, if it weren't for those damn Generale Cazador spreading their "holy god" and "purging all the sinners".  Well, anyway, goddamn am I tired, and, just because I can, I think I will go inside this nice-looking bar.  Well, as nice as I've seen so far.   The rusty lady?  What is with that name.


Get the fuck out of my head, damn the author.

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