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You were hanging out with Bryan and Kyle joking around and you feel a slap behind your head

"What the fuck!" you screamed and turned around and saw Damon

"Sup Bitch" he said laughing you hated him

"Wow stop it Damon" Bryan said defending you

"no its ok Bryan dont become a low life like him" Damon got up kinda pissed off

"Low life? honey your the low life" he said getting in your face you flicked his forehead

"bitch" he whispered you smiled and sat on the couch you and Damon kept bothering one another until Johnnie came in the room with YouNow on you and Damon stood quiet everyone gathered around the screen but you

"imma go by guys" you said you opened the door and felt Damon pull on your wrist you broke free and started going to your apartment you went to take a shower and put on your clothes (image above) you got a text from Bryan saying if you wanted to hang out with them you agreed and headed out Bryan, Kyle, Johnnie, Damon, and Shannon were waiting down stairs in Bryan's car you guys didnt fit in the car so you guys were kinda squished

"great ____'s fat ass is too much" Damon said you flicked him off you were forced to sit next to him after about an hour of you and Damon fighting you guys arrived at a restaurant you guys sat in a booth and you were across from Damon he was still bothering you Johnnie and Bryan were vloging so you guys stopped the food came and Johnnie stopped vloging you were picking at your food barely eating

"look the fat ass isnt eating oink oink" Damon said you flicked him off and he started laughing"

-Damon's Pov-

man _____ is cute when she flicked me off she looked adorable i know ive only known her for a week but i think i like her but she hates me every time i try to do something nice i mess up and i just tease her... man i cant flirt at all

"Hey earth to dumbass" you said smacking Damons head and getting up "were leaving" you added

Will you be mine? (Damon Fizzy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now