I n t r o

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Dear Nev ,

They always say when telling a story start from the beginning so that's where I'll start.

My name Is Jacob Perez, I'm 17 close to finishing high school I told myself I'd be more involved in school activities this year but I never followed through because I feel like I don't fit in anymore. I got bullied for most of my life and that led me to living a life of seclusion and being introverted until I was about 15 I got a friend request on Facebook this friend request changed my life for good or for bad? Well we will get to that her name was India and she was 16

I started talking to India and I fell for her extremely hard even though we had only chatted I felt like She was the only person I could talk to I had been bullied a lot in school people would make fun of me for who I was and I found it hard to trust people but I felt like I could trust India no matter what happened she was there when nobody else was she made me smile when I cried and she was everything I wanted and needed the crazy thing is I was in love with her and she felt the exact same way but of course this is reality all good things came to an end we finally decided to meet each other for the first time she was exactly who she said she was and I was extremely happy that I got to hug and kiss her until I found out a week in a half later that her brother was Justin rivers he was the one who bullied me and hated me the most it was all a joke , EVERYTHING , everything was fake she played me she made me feel happy and loved all for a joke I was completely devastated I fell into a depressed state.

That is until now two years and three months after I met Selena on Facebook she didn't give up on me I explained everything to her I told her why I was the way I was but she didnt care she took the time to get to know me but the thing is she forced me into friendship and im actually glad that she did because now im head over heels in love with her but the thing is evrytime i ask her to skype she always makes some excuse thats why now I need you guy's help me figure out who she really is.

"Princeton your still talking to selena?" prodigy asked as he sat up looking at the computer screen

"Awww little princey has a girlfriend!" Ray ray said as he placed his hands over his heart

"Shutup!" princeton said as he turned around

"Princeton! someones trying to skype you!" Roc royal said as he threw him his phone

"Who is this?" princeton asked in a confused sate

"Maybe its Selena!" Ray ray suggested

princeton answered an covered his mouth in shock

A/n cliff hanger ikr :o but who do you guys think it is?

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