Chapter 1: The Assignment

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Trager is pronounced : Tray-Ger. Like a tray of food and the sound a dog makes :)

It gets better so please stick with me?!


Chapter 1: The Assignment

It all started with Psychology class. We had to do a social experiment, 'examine how different people react under a certain circumstance'. It was a semester long project and we were supposed to keep a detailed diary on how they reacted, how they continue to react, and how their reaction may or may not effect other people. How it effected you.

I had no clue what to do. The first week of class was all the time we had to think about it. People were doing things like, 'how do people react to a mean prank', and 'how would someone react if they thought their house was haunted'. Little lame and easy things like that, trouble was though, that I had no imagination. Absolutely none.

I spent the entire week thinking of things, but they all just seemed lame and over used. I didn't want to be lame or over used. I wanted a good grade and I wanted to challenge what people thought about a certain situation. I wanted it to be something people would talk about. I wanted to teach people something, I wanted to teach myself something. It sounds like a huge ball of sap but it's true.

After class, on the last day of the first week of class, Friday, Mrs. Winter the psychology teacher called me up to her desk.

“Mr. Lotto,” she said. She just looked at me with her knowing brown eyes. Mr. Winters was a young woman in her prime at only the age of 24, she was beautiful and a large amount of the male population in the school had the hots for her. Winters was smart, someone who could see through lies and make you talk with just one look.

“Mrs. Winters,” I said back. She let out a quick breath and began stacking the papers we were to turn in explaining our social experiment .

“Where is your paper Mr. Lotto?” she lifted a perfectly plucked brown eyebrow.

“Uhm, about that. I was going to talk to you about that...”

Right.” she said sarcastically.

“No, I really was!” I explained honestly. “But, it was going to be on Monday if I couldn't figure anything out this weekend.”

“But the paper is due today, Mr. Lotto.”

“I know, but I just couldn't think of anything.” As I said that the last lingering student had left the classroom and we were alone.

“You could have chosen anything, Mr. Lotto. Did you not hear some of the lame ideas the freshmen in this class came up with?” being that this was an elective class it was mixed with all grades. Sadly.

“Y-yeah, but,” I turned around and glanced at the classroom making sure we were alone. If I wanted to get her to understand why I didn't turn in a paper, I was going to make sure no one else heard it. “I-I don't want to do something lame.” I admitted, I could feel my face getting red and I avoided her eye contact and focused on a spot on the white board behind her that was left un-erased. “I want to do something that will challenge people, make them think. Expose them for who they really are, ripping off a mask, if you will.” When she didn't say anything I continued. “But I'm not that imaginative, and I have no clue what to do, I just know that I don't want it to suck.” I finished and chanced a glance at her. Mrs. Winters expression left me speechless and confused. She was smiling.

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