I need to get back..

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I remember feeling light weighted ... and going into darkness ..but when I opened my eyes again I saw a strange place ...
That had a tree in the end of a cliff
And around it showed a sky were day and night met and in the middle a bright light was dividing around the tree were bubbles and as soon I got near one the whole tree was soon covered with green butterflies and I remember thinking ....

" We're am I ..? Why am I here ..? "

I remember a bubble moved up and
down and I thought

" What the hell .. ? "

I looked closer in it and there was a bike in it .
I popped it and then soon I was in the dark place and there was a screen with a vintage coloring and It was like a movie. I saw a man on a bike with gray hair green and blue eyes and black fur on his face ... He was smiling .

" I wonder who could this be ? "

the angle changed to the bike rider falling I didn't his face more like I was seeing threw his eyes .. He fell pretty hard .. I laughed .

Then the man with the gray hair quickly ran towards him quickly and said

" are you okay ?! "

When the guy spoke ...
It wasn't a random guy ..
It was me ...
the man laughed and hugged me ...
the one in the screen ..
And then kissed me saying

" I love you big idiot "

I after the film ended I started to pop more bubbles and each one showed me
More clips with people I guess I knew ... But they were mostly with me and the guy with gray hair

I didn't remember and then I started to remember little by little 
Finally the last bubble showed up
And inside was a heart monitor
It was blue and I popped it and it took me somewhere different
The whole place was blue and glowing almost in those weird sci-fi movies where the whole place is glowing and with a blue color neon with a robot feel

Well anyway ..
I saw the man again and but this time he looked different in all the ones I've seen I've never seen him like this ..

It was a face that made your heart ache so bad ..

He was hold my hand and was siting on a chair
And took a couple of deep breaths before he began to speak

He said with a tears in his eyes and a broken smile

You ... Your gonna break my heart
Your Tear it apart
No matter what you do
I'll still be there for you ...

he began to break down little by little when he said those words

And when you call my name
I won't be far away
No matter where you go
You'll never never be alone ..

Then he finally broke down holding my hand to his face
And clip repeats and keeps saying

you'll never be alone

Switching back and forth and from his smile to him breaking down and I remember feeling tears coming down my face and I scream in the agony I felt and saying

" whatever this is please stop !
Anything would be fine ... "

" just don't make Zalick cry .."

My eyes widen and I calm down
" Zalick  "
" so that was your name .."

I look at him and clench my hands
I run towards the light separating the night and day and reach out
I remember thinking
Thank you...

And I woke up to his face ...
Shocked but smiling again

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2016 ⏰

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Never be alone -thefatratWhere stories live. Discover now