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And where did the girl go? Well that's a story, but a different story than this one. The important thing is that she left and went on, and so did he. And even though they both went on, they were both changed by the other, and that isn't a bad thing. They grew towards each other, became entangled with one another and then grew away, but without ever having met each other they never would have changed in the ways they did and that would have been a travesty.

In order to appreciate the ending for what it is, you must know the rest of the story, more specifically, the beginning. So wipe away the tears that were on her face as she turned away, forget the blood that dribbled down his lip and replace this scene with a park bench.

The bench with decorated steel siding, and green wooden horizontal panels; upon them lays a young man with his face half covered with his right arm, blocking out the morning sunlight. His short hair sticking straight up under his hood in a painful way. He looks tired from his sleepless night of worry for his younger sister, not that he would ever admit that.

It is important to note that if he knew who he was about to meet, and what she would come to mean to him, he most definitely have straightened up and quickly eaten a piece of mint gum. Unfortunately, he has no idea, so try not to hold his first impression against him.

Speaking of the girl, she is going to walk by the green bench in a moment, rushing through the few people up and along the pathway. Stressed about the breakfast she's about to have with her father, a man who is too hard to summon up with a few words. She's thinking that she'll be late which is not something she wants to be.

Try to keep in mind that even as these two are hurdling through time and space to meet one another, unbeknownst to each of them that is, they are still just strangers in the park. That's what they were in the beginning, and what a beautiful beginning it was. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2016 ⏰

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