Chapter One

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The Medic leaned against the wall  by the door to the top floor infirmary. He was waiting for something or rather someone. Keeping a eye to the clock, he timed the distant sound of the fast feet approaching. Temp, temp, temp-
Thud. That sound of a 23 year old male's body colliding with the hardwood floor. The Medic smirked, pulling his outstretched foot back in, and walking around the new guest, giving him a gentle nudge.

The Scout let out a pained groan, going as fast as he was, tripping and suddenly being stopped, the floor had hit him with the force equlivant of being in a car crash, specifically one in slow motion. He slowly picked himself up, eyeing The Medic. With sudden realization of what had actually happened, he quickly jumped to his feet, getting up in the Medic's face.

"Just what the hell is your problem!?" The Scout exclaimed, bat at hand and a tight grip on it. "You could of killed me!"
"Oh please," The Medic snickered, "Had you died I would of revived you, I am a medic after all." He pushed the scout back a little bit. "Besides, it's very unlikely you'd suffer any damage with a skull as thick as yours."
"What!?" The Scout lunged himself at The Medic again attempting to knock him upside with his bat.
The Medic simply grabbed it, blocking the attack, and pulled Scout closer again to speak to him. "Oh calm down, don't you know how to take a joke?" He laughed, "Anyway, I have a job for you."
"You really think I'm gonna help YOU?" The Scout put a hand on his hip, resting the bat on his shoulder. "After slamming me into the ground and insulting me, you really expect me to do anything for you? C'mon now, doc."
"Yes actually, I do expect you to..." The Medic said reaching into his pocket and taking out a bandage, applying it to the bridge of Scout's nose, that was apparently busted open from the impact.
The Scout scoffed at the Medic's aid, it was his fault that he was hurt anyway. "Oh  really? And what exactly makes you think that?" The Scout continued to be defiant.
"The fact that I have all the information from your last visit, and being as old as I am, you could say I'm forgetful," The Medic explained, "Forget so much so that one would "accidentally" forget the files on the middle of the board room table, and you are fully aware of how nosy the rest of the team can be."

The Scout's eyes widened now with worry, The Medic was clearly not one to mess around and refusing would just push him to actually doing something nasty like that, as if the current blackmail wasn't already bad enough. Sometimes, The Medic was less trustworthy then a spy, and that was a statement.

"Okay, you've convinced me," Scout said acting like he wasn't completely being forced to agree. "What do you want?"
The Medic smiled, having won this match. "As you are aware today is recruitment day?"
"Wait, Gibus Day? Today is Gibus Day? I thought that wasn't till next week!?" The Scout looked at him completely confused and worried. "Shit, I totally forgot."
The Medic sighed, "Of course you did." He continued, "Anyway, today is infact "Gibus Day" and the recruits will be showing up very soon." He took his place back, leaning against the wall. "As per usual the scouts are late, and the others arrive much sooner, such as the medics..."
"Forget it doc, I ain't doing it," The Scout caught on fast. "Do I look like a Medic to you?"
"I don't want you to do my job for me," Medic replied, "I need you to meet up with my trainee, and give he or she the basic tour."
"Why can't you do that?" Scout tilted his head, looking at The Medic.
"Because, I'm kinda busy at the moment." The Medic gestured to the infirmary doors behind him.
"Busy with what?" Scout questioned him, looking through the small windows in the doors into the other room. He frowned when the Medic stepped in front of him.
"What I'm doing is currently none of your worry," The Medic replied, making sure to block the Scout's view. "I assure you there is nothing to worry about."

The Medic spoke too soon as a loud, inhuman roar was heard from the infirmary and thee sound of glass breaking. Thrashing and crashing picking up from behind the closed doors. The Scout tried to push in, questioning what was going on but The Medic denied him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2016 ⏰

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