Give Me A Chance...

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"You never fucking listen!" Ricky yelled. A small layer of sweat covered his forehead, plastering some of his hair to his forehead.

"Well what am I, a pet?" Chris countered, just as frustrated as Rick was.

"You said it. Not me." Tattooed hands up in defense, Ricky tried walking out of the room.

Chris caught him by his upper arm and pinned him against the wall by the throat.

They had been fighting again, the second time in the past five days.

"Ch-Chris," Ricky gasped, eyes widening and hands pulling at Chris' hands. He tried to loosen his grip, tried to breathe.

Chris let go. And Ricky fought back.

But the first thing Chris received was a hard slap. Straight across his left cheek. He brought a hand up instantly, back-handing Rick across the face.

"Bitch," Chris spat, rubbing his cheek. "You hit first, prick!" Ricky wanted to punch the idiot.

"Wait, wait, I think you're bleeding," Chris gently tilted Ricky's chin up and kissed him.
But Rick didn't want any of that at the moment. So he refused to kiss back, and just as he pulled away he bit down on Chris' bottom lip.

He yelped, pulling away from Ricky. "What the hell!" Chris tatsed blood. "I think you're bleeding," Rick mocked and tried walking out of the room again. But Chris caught his arm another time, earning a second hard slap.
"Burn in Hell," Rick hissed through gritted teeth. "See you there." Chris replied. "You never even cared, did you?" Came a question, out of the blue.

Chris thought for a moment. "No, not really." He had. But didn't want to admit that.

"I wish I would've succeeded that night when I attempted to commit suicide.." Rick mumbled. Chris scoffed. "Yeah, I do too."

Ricky pushed Chris away, storming out of the bedroom. He didn't get past the living room, though. Chris caught up to him thanks to his longer legs, and pulled the smaller boy close from behind, his arms around his waist.

Ricky screamed bloody murder. He twisted and turned, squirming around to try and get free. He kicked and screamed and let out a string of curses.

Chris didnt let go. He instead pulled him closer, if possible.
"Shh, Shh.. Ricky, I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean it..." he apologized, truly regretting what he'd said and done.

"Fuck yourself, Chris!" Rick screamed, still struggling to get free. "Ricky. Rick." Chris repeated the name a few times, warning lacing his voice thicker each time he said it.

"Stop, Leave me the fuck alone!" Screaming louder, he thrashed around more and tried to get free. Chris was done. So he bit down on Ricky's shoulder.

Ricky stilled but arched his back away from Chris, eyes shut tightly as he cried out in agony. "Are you done yet?" He mumbled with some of Ricky's shoulder between his teeth. Chris let go and Rick relaxed against him.

Chris kept him in his lap, his back against Chris' chest. "I'm sorry.. I'm really sorry... is there any way I can m--" he stopped mid-dentence feeling Rick hiccup.. Chris felt his tears fall onto his arms, saw them fall to Rick's lap.

"Please don't cry, baby.." Chris begged, turning him in his lap and looking at him. "Please.." Chris tried wiping away the tears, which didn't work because they kept falling.

"You're not sorry, don't even lie." He growled and Chris sighed.

"I'm not lying, Rick. I promise." He said softly, curling a lock of hair behind Ricky's ear.

"Prove it, then." Ricky challenged, sniffling and looking up at Chris.

Chris leaned down and kissed him, cupping his cheek before deepening the kiss. He kissed back instantly, tangling a hand in Chris' hair.

"Please, just give me a chance.." Chris begged, pulling away to look at Ricky.

Ricky thought for a moment. Then nodded.

(Okay okay, It sucked. I'm sorry.)

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