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I felt myself lurch forward in the small box. I closed my eyes to rest for just a moment but when I woke up it must have been an hour because when I woke up, the first thing I heard was.

"Well look what we have here. A new one, A greenie." A voice said.

I looked up I was crowded by almost a million people. All women and Men, well really teenagers.

"You guys really should be nice, This one looks....special." A young girl with pink hair and cat ears said in her high pitched voice.

A boy laughs and moves in front, "She is special," He snickers, "out of three hundred of us, she is special."

"Just look at her Zane! Kawaii~Chans sure of it!" The girl squealed.

The boy who was apparently named Zane shouted, "Alright, well get her out..." 

A boy jumped into the box and picked me up lifting me out of the box. After he got out he whispered to me, "See you around, Greenie." He smiled and ran toward a huge wall. He ran through a crack and dissapeered.

I walked away as the crowd got back to what they had been doing earlier.

"Hey greenie," A boy started.

"Don't call me greenie ever again." I said forcefully, maybe a little too forcefully.

A new beginningA Maze Runner/ Minecraft Diaries FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now