[P R E L U D E]

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Roses are Reds, Violets are Blues, But sometimes, Criminals are do more powerful than you.

Just like in fairytales, Princess go with Prince. Just like in other fairytails, we often see them cry, we often see them happy. Lots of emotions in just a story.

But we dont live in a happily ever after. Finding your Prince in this Judgemental World is IMPOSIBLE. Reality slaps me.

What is Love?

Are we in a Fantasy?

Why do good always wins?

Roses are Red, Violets are Blues, But Laws are judgement to torment people like you.

There are two ways of thinking. Evil and Justice. There are two types of thinker. Just and Witty. There are two types of reason. Truth and Lie. And also, There are two types of ranks. Master Mind Criminal and Detective Inspector. Lies covers me.

What is Hatred?

Are we really in a Reality?

Why do bad always lose?

When Darkness Leds To The Right PathWhere stories live. Discover now