The First Meeting

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Chapter 1

Y/N = Your Name (Meant to be first name but can be both first and last)
F/C/S = Favorite Comic Series

Y/N P.O.V.

It's a cool fall day in Ninjago City. You're on the way to Doomsday Comix, your favorite comic book store, to pick up the most recent edition of F/C/S. You walk in to see the last one on the shelf. You go to pick it up when another hand reaches for it. You follow from the hand up the arm to see a teenager, about your age, with green robes, blonde hair, and dark green eyes. You forget about the comic to admire his good looks, then realize why came here.

You politely say "Excuse me, I had that first." "You gotta be kidding me, I got to it first," he replies.

Your about to argue more, but then you realize the store is packed. Plus at some point Rufus MacAllister (AKA Mother Doomsday) will have to restock.

"Alright, you can have it," you sigh.

"Thanks," he says, and walks up to the check out. You remember you need to pick another edition for a different series. You soon follow suite and wait in line behind him. Ten minutes later, the line has moved up, only you and the blonde teen are left in line. While he is up with Rufus to pay, you can't help but notice how cute he is.

"Maybe he is single?", you wonder. You're suddenly snapped out of your trance by some commotion.

"Come on Rufus, help me out this one time. I only got $2.00!", he exclaims.

"Sorry Lloyd, you know the rule. No exceptions."

So Lloyd was his name. You struggle to think:

"Where have I heard that name? -Gasp- No, it couldn't be him! The Green Ninja?!?!?!?!"

As Lloyd scrambles to find any spare change or leftover money, you look into your wallet to see you have some leftover cash. You instantly take the remaining $2.00 out and put it on the counter.

Rufus and Lloyd look at you, puzzled by your sudden generosity. Rufus takes the money and clears Lloyd through. He then rings you up and you walk outside to see Lloyd standing outside.

"Thanks," he stutters, unsure for how to thank you.

"I would never deny a F/C/S fan their right to a new edition," you say nonchalantly. He suddenly gives you the bag with the edition in it.

"Since you helped pay for it, I think you deserve to read it first."
You're so stunned that he would be so nice.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it!" you exclaim, overjoyed.

"No problem. Maybe when you're done, we can hang out again so I can pick it up?" He smiles, capturing your attention for a moment. "He really is adorable, that messy blonde hair, those rich emerald eyes...", you think to yourself. You snap out of it so you don't make things awkward.

"Umm, yea, sure!" You give him your phone number, and he gives you his.

"Oh, and my name is Lloyd, Lloyd Garmadon. What's yours?" he asks.

Your smile instantly vanishes and is replaced with a shocked look.

"L-Lloyd G-Garm-mad-don, as i-in the G-Green N-Ninja?" you ask, secretly screaming joy on the inside.

"Yep, that's me." He chuckles.

"M-My name i-is Y/N.", you manage to spit out.

"Y/N? The name sounds beautiful."

"I'll cya soon Y/N.", he says before turning into his Mega Dragon. Before he takes off, he shouts down to you. "I got an idea! Do you want to maybe come back to my place, meet my friends, and read that story?"

"Sure!" You reply giggly, you're super excited! He helps you up so you sit behind him. "There's nothing to hold on to."

He yells "Hold onto me tight!" You put both arms around his waist and grip it tightly. He takes off and flies back to the Bounty.


So that's Chapter 1. This is my first try at fanfiction, so I apologize if it is crappy or not perfect. Experienced writers, any suggests/comments? Hope you guys all enjoyed reading this! And don't worry, there will be more! I hope to update this whenever I get a chance, I won't set a schedule in case I miss a date so I don't disappoint you guys. If I miss an update it's cause of school or real life issues.

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