the first part

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They kept my feet warm, protected my feet from water, and were just a pleasure to have on. They were my socks.

My socks were dark grey with light gray circles on the sides. Sexy if you ask me. I was a blonde male with green eyes. Nothing to special. I'm writing this diary to confess something I had kept secret for the past 3 years . I am in love with my socks.

I remember the first day I saw them. I was in Wal-Mart walking down the frozen yogurt section when I saw the socks. They were freezing and begging for help, no one stoped though. People have never understood socks. They use them and when they don't need them anymore they throw them away like they are nothing but trash! I understand socks I always have, so I ran up and grabbed the pair.

I didn't purchase them, I just ran out of the store back to my house. I set them down on my bed and turned on a near by heater to help warm them up. The socks slowly feel asleep so I left the room quietly hoping not to wake them.

Now it was time for revenge. Those cruel people who left the socks to die are going to pay. I went back to Wal-Mart with gasoline and a match. I ran around the outside of the building pouring all the gasoline out. I lit the match and dropped it onto the gasoline. The store was in flames in a matter of 5 seconds. I ran back to my house to go and check on the socks, happy that I got my revenge. To this day I am still happy about my revenge.

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