Entry One

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17th December

Dear Diary,

You will have noted already, if you are reading this, that there are several pages missing from this diary before this date. I don't want to talk about them, or what happened on that long, autumn day. I have seen things which terrify me. I still hear them. I still hear him. I was told by a friend that keeping a diary would be fun. So far, they've been wrong, but I promised them I would write in it at least once a week. So I will. I'm afraid I shall have to write it like a story, because, I suppose that's what my life is like. An insane horror story, anyway. I won't start at the beginning, I'll begin from today. I'm supposed to be asleep now, you see, but if I slept...Well, I don't want to disturb anyone (especially Mr. Sebastian) with my screams when I wake up. So I'll write in my diary.

I sighed, patting the mane of the beautiful black horse. Of course, he wasn't mine. He belonged to Earl Phantomhive. The steed calmed down instantly. I must have inherited his love of horses and all things associated with Equine. The gardener, (Finny, was it? The butler did introduce them all, but I don't think I was listening. I was probably side-tracked) came running up to me, almost startling Alexander. (My name for the horse. He didn't have one before, and I once knew someone called Alexander.) The beast somehow managed to stay calm, and I regarded the energetic boy with reproachful eyes. I said nothing, as per usual. I have a fairly different voice now. I don't like it. It reminds me of him. The ridiculously strong gardener smiled at me, and said "Hey! Mr. Sebastian says that dinner will be ready in a minute. After that the Young Master's going out to London, so you'll have to get the horses ready!" He then ran off again, stupid and carefree, as I've always seen him. Then again, I only got here yesterday. That was a fun experience.

My first day at 'cleaning' (read 'stealing') for the boy known as 'Zero'. In other words, the best pickpocket in London. After that happened, I had been left with no money, and no means of getting any. I eventually had to turn to 'cleaning' the nobles. One of Zero's crew found me, and took me in for a week before saying that I would be able to get rid of him if I could get my hands on something of high value. Obviously being who I was, I recognised the Queen's Guard Dog easily enough. I also recognised the ring on his finger. I got it alright. It was the afterwards that lead to this. I took it, and ran. I ran so damn fast. The Earl shouted something at his butler, but at that point, I was too focused on running to hear the '
Tail him, Sebastian. Don't let him know you're there! I want to find the hideout of the pickpockets!'
That really would have helped, you know, to have heard that. So, I went back to the alleyway like the idiot I was, leading the enemy home. I knelt down in front of Zero, handed him the ring, and he smiled slowly and sadistically, before kicking me about two metres backwards, sending me sprawling across the floor. "Please...I gave you it, now....please....you said...' I broke off into a coughing fit after that, and the butler made his appearance. I don't remember much of it, just that he killed most of the others, took the ring, and that's where the young master stepped in. "Who are you and why did you take my ring?" He asked in that high-pitched voice of his. I could tell he was slightly surprised to see me when he lifted the hood off my face. Not me specifically, I mean. It's just that I was a few years younger than him, and still down my face were three large scars. He should see my back... Anyway, I wasn't going to give anyone my real name, and unfortunately, the only cover that came to mind was him. His name. Nobody knew about him. Nobody that was still alive, anyway. At least this meant that I would not be discovered. Still, it pained me to say the word.
A lot of memories came back to me as I said that. All of them sad, but not necessarily painful. It is sadness that gives birth to joy, after all. I smiled wistfully, and the young master looked...fairly disgusted, if I was honest. The tall man behind him (Who I now know as Mr. Sebastian) narrowed his eyes at me, sensing something not right. Probably him. I didn't answer any more of their questions, only looking at the ring silently. It most likely wouldn't have helped me anyway. The young master seemed to notice this, because he leaned down a little. "How did you get here?" He asked, and that's what made me speak. Well, try to, anyway. My lips parted, and my eyes widened, until eventually I just settled for looking at the floor. How did I get here? Well, to start with, I was rich. Then I wasn't. Then I was. Finally, I wasn't, leading me here. How could I put that all in one word? Somehow, I knew. "Sin." I said, thankful that my strangely violet hair was covering my even stranger bright yellow, cat-like eyes. I already stood out to these people. I didn't want to cause their deaths, as well. It was too late for these thoughts, it seemed. I barely had time to blink before, on the young master's command, I had been hoisted onto Mr. Sebastian's back, and my eyes closed, I was mentally exhausted from so much talking. Usually my limit was around a word per day. I smiled a fraction about to fall asleep, just as I heard the Young Master say "Take him back to the estate, Sebastian. He will work for me."  I drowsily opened one strange eye, just to smile at a horse, before I faded into unconsciousness.

I awoke in the most comfortable bed I had been in since I was around seven years old. Which shows you how bad I had gotten, seeing that the 'bed' was a straw mat. There were clean clothes laid out to the side of the bed, and Mr. Sebastian leaned over me. "You are to work as a Stableboy. You will call the Young Master just that. You will not behave disrespectively to any of the staff, they are all above you. You will not speak to the Young Master unless he gives you permission to do s-" I interrupted him quietly. "I know how, Sir." I said, my voice raw from speaking. I smiled brightly, although there was still the ever-present dullness in my eyes. Mr. Sebastian seemed to find this satisfactory as he nodded. To cut a long story short (also, I wasn't really paying attention) he introduced me to the rest of the servants and I merely nodded absent-mindedly, then he showed me to the horses.

Which leads me back to Alexander. I prepared the carriage, and hurried in for dinner. I hadn't eaten in two days, and was getting rather hungry. I sat a the servants table, ignoring the three of them whispering about me, as I tried to get over the cuisine. A whole plate of it, and it looked so...amazing. When was the last time I had even seen this much food? I stared at it, my eyes wide, and Mr. Sebastian touched my shoulder. I pointed at myself and then at the food, silently asking if it was really okay for me to eat all of it. He smirked, and nodded. The servants began to talk a little louder as I practically inhaled the food, and I only noticed that they were in fact talking to me when I finished my meal. I sighed contentedly, then looked towards them. Finny smiled. "So, Hector, you like horses, huh?" He asked cheerfully. I ignored the flash of pain that went through me when he said Hector. It took me a moment to realise that this was the false name I had given. I smiled widely and nodded. A mask. Mayrin blushed at something, saying "So what about your...other capabilities?" I blinked in confusion. What other capabilities? Mr. Sebastian had never said anything about a second duty. Then again this was the Phantomhive household. It was rumoured that all of the servants were...well, the rumours varied from ninja to devil spawn. It seemed the maid was still talking in that strange voice of hers. I wondered if that actually was her voice. "....Because you know we need to know so that we can all protect the mansion together, yes we do!" She finished, and looked at me expectantly. I paused. Should I show her that? No, they'd be afraid of me then. Besides I hate it. I hate him. However...I suppose another way I have of protecting the mansion is...My hands went behind my head, looking casual and relaxed, when I pulled out a small, paper-thin needle from behind my collar, and struck it into my own hand, on a pressure point that meant I couldn't move it for...thirty four more seconds. "Paralyse." I said quietly, and then pointed to a small point just above the needle muttering "Kill." I looked at the floor, stabbing the needle into my shirt cuff, concealing it. I had studied a little of acupuncture when I was a child and...borrowed...(read stole) a book on it after that happened. I was a fairly bright child, and had always had a good memory, so I memorised each pressure point in the human body with little trouble. I could throw the needles too, and kill anyone within twenty metres. They all looked slightly surprised, but accepting. When the meal was over, I finished preparing the carriage, and Mr. Sebastian drove the Young Master away. I think I hear them now, actually. I'd better go take care of Alexander and Sally (Another horse named after a friend).


Calais James Covington

P.S. If it's you reading this, Mr. Sebastian, please don't tell the Young Master my name. Field Marshal Covington would not be happy to find me alive.


{Hello, you lovely people. Updates on this will be slow as I have the imagination of a tortoise. Awesome, but slowwwww. The picture for this entry is of Calais.}

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