Chapter One: New Kid

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Ryan’s P.O.V.~

“Welcome to Collins Ness High School, my name is Ashley Kosak, Vice President of the Student Council and chairman of the student ambassador committee.” said a grim looking girl, with a hint of pretentiousness in her voice. This was my first day here, and apparently it was standard procedure to have one of these people show you around. “Oh uh-so where is-” I stumbled out before she cut me off sharply “this isn’t the question portion of the tour, first stop is the cafeteria.” she said as she lead me through two sets of double doors and into a large room that smelt like a mixture of vomit, carnival food, and teenage angst. The tour dragged on, most of what she was saying going in one ear and out the other. “Good luck” she smiled sinisterly, leaving me standing in front of my first period class, Freshman Biology. This was going to be one long day.

Lauren’s P.O.V~

Fuck! The bell already rang and I still need my Bio book...oh screw it! Mrs. Peterson can suck my dick for all I care. “You’re five minutes late Lauren” the bitch said with her usual cold grin. “I’m so sorry Mrs. Peterson, Mr. Peterson wanted an encore of last night” I smiled as I sashayed to my seat. “You did not just say that” Shayna giggled, yeah I fucking did you dumb bi- I put an end to the thought before it could harvest total guilt. “Whatever, she’s learnt by now that writing me up won’t do anything” I whispered back to her. When Mrs. Peterson started talking, I took it as the signal to put my headphones in....I’m slipping into the lava...I can’t keep from going under. I let myself fade into the music when out of the corner of my eye I noticed something different, someone different. “Who the fuck are you?” I called to the skinny white kid one row over. “” he mouthed to me. “I’m Ryan...I’m new” he whispered before I could answer his question. “You’re not from around here, are you?” I asked him, something about him looked different. “I just transferred from Conant” he responded. “Where the fuck is that?” I retorted, he looked around for a moment then leaned in closer to me. “West of Chicago, north of the 25” he responded shyly. “Nice to meet you new kid, how about you let me show you how things work around here?” I said, giggling to Shayna and Jake.

 Sarah's P.O.V.~

"Oh my God...did you hear Katie Anderson got crabs?!" inquired Akira with a smirk as we burst through the bathroom door. I had already found this out at least two periods ago, but I acted along as if I had just heard the news. I threw in a couple "Shut ups!" and "OMG's!" and for a moment I myself believed the news was well-new to me. Ever since I came to this school at the beginning of the year, I was essentially drafted into the "popular clique"...but when I saw the boys playing on the football field, that's where I really wanted to be. "What the hell are you staring at Sarah? are freaking me out" stammered Akira. I snapped out of my thought and awkwardly backtracked to Akira "Oh, I was just thinking about which Freshman are going to be on Homecoming your name on the ballot?" I asked Akira, already knowing it wasn't. "N-no-" Akira was cut off when the bathroom door swung widely open and banged into the wall. "What the fuck is that smell?!" boomed Ashley Travis as she strolled passed us and into the stall. Akira and I shared a glance, then quickly paced out of the bathroom. I sharply turned the corned only to find myself being knocked off of my feet, my books falling to fhe floor. "Sorry! Sorry!" trembled a boy who looked about my age. "Mother fucke- I's okay" I stated as I gathered my books. I quickly glanced at the name on his folder, then picked it up "Here ya' go Mr. Tillman" I said as I handed him his folder. "T-thanks" he grinned before walking off. "Oh my that Mr. Hutcherson?!" Akira said pointing to who was pretty damn obviously Mr. Hutcherson. "Oh...yeah. Wasn't he fired for posting nude pictures online?" I asked. "I thought so...but I guess he's back" Akira shrugged. The bell rang, telling us we had a minute to get to class, I quickly stopped at my locker when a voice came from over my shoulder...Dillon? "Oh hey, didn't mean to scare you...but you dropped this?" he said handing me my newest issue of Hunting Magazine. "Oh...uh thanks" I stammered to, "No problem...North" he asked shyly. I looked around for a moment then back to him, "Alabama.". Looks like I wasn't so alone in this school after all. "Nice to meet you, Alabama" he smiled shaking my hand.

Shayna's P.O.V.~

"What would your mom think if she were to find out about this?!" Mr. Hutcherson scolded as he held, what I thought was, a discreet vodka-filled water bottle. "I'd imagine it'd be about the same reaction as everyone in the school when your dick started showing up on their Facebook newsfeed" Lauren grinned. This is definitely not the time Lauren! I thought. "You wouldn't want them to see...the video...would you?" Lauren whispered. In an instant Mr. Hutcherson chugged down the remnants of the bottle and handed it back to us, "If I see you with this ever again on school ground, I don't give a shit about your're going to the Principals Office". "I'm shaking" Jake laughed as Lauren crumpled up the water bottle. I can't be late to class again, "sorry got to go guys" I called before breaking into a jog down the halllway. "Oh shit! This is fifth period, right!?" I called back down the hallway at them. "Yeah bitch!" Lauren yelled back. I smiled and then broke back into my jog. "Just on time Shayna" Mr. Hay, my English teacher, smiled to me as I took my seat. I really love English, despite all the teenage rebel bullshit that Lauren, Jake, and I do...I actually like this class, always have. I stared at the chalkboard, following every lesson, listening to every word when a voice come from behind me. "...There's a war coming Shayna..." ugh Jc, I do not have time for this shit! I thought to myself as I turned around to face him. "What the hell are you talking about now?" I whispered. He took a moment to lean in closer, "I'm talking class versus them" he mumbled, nodding to where Ashley, Sophie, Sanya, and Darien are sitting. "We drew first blood when Lauren leaked that picture of Mr. Hutcherson...Sanya's boyfriend" I vomited at the reminder, the disgusting pedophilia reminder. "So what are you saying Jc? Should I run home and go get fucking armor or what?" I asked him with a chuckle. "Not yet, but be prepared....because something is going to happen...soon" 

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