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Whatya planning to do now, Danny? Monty asked as they sat in the shade of the palms on a beach where theyd been surfing and spear-fishing.

I think Ill stay with CAT for now, Danny replied, although Monty was less sanguine for once.

You know CAT had been dubbed the most-shot-at-airline-in-the-world, dont ya? he warned. General Chennault still has Customer contracts in Vietnam,

Customers were CIA operatives who used CAT as their own airline and were taking a close interest in the recent affairs of Vietnam. In all fairness when it looked like CAT was

going to be donated to the Communist Chinese in an appeasement gesture after the civil war, Chennault sold the airline to the US Government and everyone believed the CIA picked up the tab. Under those circumstances the agency felt justified in using CAT planes whenever it felt like it.

That should have quietened down now the French are pulling out of Indochina. Theres been a big conference in Geneva. Ive heard theyve chopped the country in half along the 17th parallel. Commies to the north good guys to the south.

And how long do you think Uncle Ho will keep his word? George asked. Hell be itching to send his blokes south before the ink is even dry on the treaty.

McAlister's Allegiance - Book 4 in the "McAlister Line"Where stories live. Discover now