New School, New Start

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YAAAAASSSSSSSS! From here on out I'm a college girl. Hot guys, cool parties, everything will be perfect. I decided to study nursing, I just want the money. On day I'll be rich. But for now I'm stuck in Elmore College writing in my journal. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to my dad "Hey Dad, can you bring some pizza rolls to my room." I placed my last set of clothes into my boxes. Hopefully, my car won't die on the way to college. My dad shoots me a text, "Hey lazybones I'm at work! Get your own food" I mumble,"Jerk!" I hop down the steps and stuffed twenty rolls into the oven. I called up my bud Mary-Pat, and told her to hurry her butt up so we can pack up and leave. Mary-Pat is my roommate. Mary-Pat replied with a "Alright Bitch calm down!" I laughed, classic Mary-Pat. I hoped she would hurry up, we were supposed to be at the college yesterday. DING DONG, my doorbell screamed. "MARY-PAT! How did you get here so fast?" I questioned. "I have my ways, you nosy little shit," she grumbled.
Hope you guys like my new story! This will be a little scary eventually, but for now it's not too bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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