"Broken Butterfly"

382 29 18

Enchanted silver wings of solitude...

Such a useless tool of flight...

Once a sword towards infinitude...

Now a salvaged canon of the night...


A lustrous soul resonating its majesty...

Shifting its powers to accept the denied...

Once a threshold to eternity...

Now a shattered spirit deep inside...


The soldered wings that once shone silver...

Tamed the wild flowers, from thorns, to rose...

Hoarded pollen flown like a dignified river...

Through steel vaults that just can't close...


Silver linings losing its grandeur...

Deceived by the ruthless and the starry...

Sacrificed for reasons thought unsure...

Tearing the towers that grew a single berry...


Fields of passion now burned down to ash...

The stigma, once needless, now a vicious snake...

Once a proboscis used to mesmerize and clash...

Now just broken pieces, just ready to take...


Whisks of seeds sowing the sprouts of wholeness...

The pollen used to define the musky nature...

Once a mirror of true greatness...

Now a guillotine built for torture...


When dormancy strikes with hands full of keys...

Comes the appendages, empowered with loyalty...

Arrived to hold my wrists, trample me in the seas...

Once again wasted for ridiculous stupidity...


The spangled dust trailing far behind the wings of tranquility...

Left like insignia tracing the footprints of forever...

Traversing over the boundless highways of diversity...

Looping over the rings of infinite, far beyond and over...


With the last ounce for me to battle the languished...

Abstracted by my wings that unwind my path...

Blinded by your wails, the sounds that are so tarnished...

Thwarting  my ability to unleash my wrath...


Over the centuries of this memory being vexationally reciprocated...

The solitude sheathing endemically over its deathless insomnia...

Deciphered spirits incarcerated in to the abyss of the anticipated...

The bloodshed tears synchronizing with lethal doses of nausea...


Its infinitude deemed to flee far out the universe of wallflowers...

Inspirations rising out to the endless possibilities over the galaxies...

The aura of these unending streams of stars that conspires...

Lightly converging over the verizons of unanswered conspiracies...


Little do the common species know about the royal anarchs...

Our entrusted power besieged upon us, concealed over this illusion...

Not even a single army of these sherlocks will find true monarchs...

Tended and ignored without bestowed worryness of this confusion...


Under the eclipse of insomnia plagues the war of gruesome brutallity...

Scarres the rays of gimmicked beauty of the faux sunlight...

Carnages of brute forces of entities lurking through strategized mentallity...

The breaking dawn shattering the border of the morning of twilight...


The gleaming smile that used to never die...

Left my lips crooked, with scars stitched so tight...

Once two silvered wings used to soar high...

Now a single pen just ought to write...


But the desolated stitches, bolted to smile...

Lasting so diminished, less than a mile...

Once a sceptor that made the wind sigh...

Now an eradicated, broken butterfly...



 Author's Note 

I wrote this exactly 15 mins of crying over a fight from best friends.. Until it just took another day when we were suddenly okay. :) Pain is so beautiful.

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