Family reunion

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A/N - This is first book I'm publishing, all the chapters are going to be publish all at once. (Hopefully) shout out any errors that you find (punctuations)

"Madame, we're here," a voice spoke as he opened the door. I took off my sunglasses as I step out of the limousine. I gave the man a smile. I "Thank you George. Your job is done for today, why don't you go home and relax with your wife and new born baby."

George revealed a slight, bashful smile from under his usual emotionless face. "Thank you Madame, have a good day."  He gave a slight bow while holding his cap. He walked back to the driver's seat and drove off.

Feeling quite tired, I stretched a little and walked into the cáfe that me and my family are suppose to meet up at. I walked in and was greeted with a smile.
"Welcome, please enjoy yourself here." I smiled back as I walked to the corner of the cáfe and sat near the window, waiting.

A little more than 2 minutes later, 5 people stepped into the cáfe. I chuckled as I look around the room. Girls blushing, boys with their eyes wide, jaws dropping from many other. The man who stepped in first called out to me, "Hey, Saphire! We're here!"

I gave a smile and a wave. "Michael, I'm over here."
All of them walked to me. "Hey, long time no see."

He ran his hand through his cleanly combed dark-brown hair. He had his hands in his his ripped jean pockets and wore a confident smile. "Whahaha, how do I look, little sister? Don't worry, I know, I look appea-" He was cut off as a woman stepped in front of him, blocking his view.

"Good afternoon, Saphire. It been a while." Said the lady who stepped of Michael. Her long brunette hair moved slightly as she took a bow. "Oh, Miss Shizu" I gleamed "How have you been?" I bowed back at her.

Miss Shizu is my brother's wife. She was actually also my private tutor when we were in Japan. She finished university and is now living as a housewife and an Micheal's assistant at his company, she's 25 years old. As childish as my brother is, he's the oldest in the family and the one who is succeeding uncle Gam's company. He's a senior in university, 23 years old.

Oi, bro! Move out of way, I want to talk with sis too!" "Yea, move it move it!" Two bodies squirm their to the front.

"Hiroaki! Hiromi! Little fellas how are you?" I smiled brightly at the twin that was smiling widely at me. "Great!" They said in sync. Hiroaki is the younger brother of the twins. He has short dirty blonde hair that matches with his blue greenish eyes. "Aye, High-Five!" He raised both of his hands and yelled. I giggled and gave him the high-five that he wanted. He goes to Adam all-boys private academy.

Then there was Hiromi, the older sister of the twins. Only by a few seconds though. She also has dirty-blonde hair that matches with her blue greenish eyes. But they are hazelish and not really clear, the reason for that is because... (Dun dun duun) She's blind. But she has a sharp hearing and very athletic. On the other hand, Hiroaki is not very athletic but more of the nerdy type, he's highly educated.

Of course, because mother, Hiroaki, and I are overly protective. We inrolled her in the Eve all-girls private academy. Which is very close to her twin's boys academy. Both of them are in 8th grade and are 14.

Like the saying goes, one can not exist without the other. Hah, I don't even remember how wrote this quote, but it works.

I noticed a little figure hiding behind my older brother's legs. I bent my legs and stared at the figure right in the eyes. "Ruby?" I smiled at her,"what's wrong? Come on, give big sis a big hug." I opened my arms wide, hinting that I want a hug from her.

She slowly removed herself from Micheal legs and took a few small steps forward. She quietly whispered:


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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