Pewds the Sun Angel

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Pewds is a Cute,Sweet,Smart,Beautiful Sun Angel
She has a Husband Sonic or You can Call him Angel
She also has a Cute Daughter Alexsis she got wattpad
Shes like in the age around um... 14-17 im not really sure
Shes perfect when the school is on trouble she can summon
The other sun angels the would be AMAZING....
She has Blond hair I guess.. but blond fits her style though
Shes a great friend and i kinda met her in the year of 2014 maybe yes late 2014... kinda like in November yesh November and i think
Shes the one that invented Yesh,Nu,Chu, and More words well i guess...
Her beautiful eyes are super CUTE band By the way Sonic + Pewds = ♡ Pewnic CUTE!!!

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