Deadly Love Ch.1

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The wind is strong and breezy, if I wasn't running from a hoard of zombies the day would be beautiful. Bright sun lay overhead. Clouds low and dark, signifying that it would rain. I hope I live long enough to feel the rain on my face. The sickly sweet smell of the wet, Autumn leaves crunching under my feet and the fastly approaching ones behind me.
I smell the rotting flesh and metallic smell of the blood fresh on their lips.
"Shit, Shit, Shit," I mumble while picking up pace. Pumping my legs and arms faster, sliding and missing the narrowly approaching tree limb. Diving into the river, I quickly swim to the other side the rushing rapids hitting against me roughly, bashing my sides into rocks and fallen debris.
As soon as my hands hit the cleft of the slippery mud edge, I grip and pull myself forward. Putting myself back into a full sprint, not feeling the least bit safe. I hear the eerie growls of the creatures, not looking back to see if they're following.
I see a tree with grips and grab the first cubby like hole and work myself up the tree. As soon as I'm high enough off the ground to take my breath away, I settle down and breath.
Looking up to the sky, the first drop hits my cheek, sliding down and hitting the ground.
I rest my head on the dark, earthy branch and close my eyes, letting sleep take me over.
I see the news as I walk into the living room, talking about the new "wonder drug". I sit down and watch as the doctor explain what it does, cure cancer/prevent it. He explains that it makes you strong, beautiful. A whole new person. I watched as the months went by and more and more people where buying the drug. People started getting better, looking brand new. Then bad things started happening. People started dropping like flies, slowly dying off, but the only problem was they weren't staying dead. Outbreaks started happening, what we thought was a simple, new form of flu was killing off any of the remaining survivors. What was left of the army went through and started killing anyone who even had a cold, to prevent them from coming back. But I wasn't working more and more people came back, funerals where not a thing any more, people weren't a thing either. What was left was fighting the undead, trying to stay alive. The worlds new smell was smoke and rotten flesh.
I look around and see that I was still in the tree, and the world hasn't changed. I look up in my weak moment and start to cry, it's funny, what you miss when everything is gone. I miss hugs, people talking about people, pillows, coffee. Little simple stuff that you take for granted. I throw my backpack out of the tree and look around, nothing in sight and drop to the ground, rolling with my legs tucked and get up, smiling because of my perfected roll. Got to live for something I guess. I walk forward and see a road, I cautiously look around and move quickly. Trying to avoid being sighted by the zombies. I see cars scattered all across the road, clothes from those who tried to flee the madness everywhere. I quickly run around looking for supplies I would need. I hear a small growl and bark and turn in its direction. I see a puppy staring down a zombie, the zombies mouth dripping with fresh blood, thick and oozing. I whistle lowly and the puppy turns. It cocks it head and bounds over to me. The zombie that once was not paying any attention looks up blindly and tilts its head and sniffs, turning in my direction. He starts to run toward me, zig-zagging and barely holding himself up. I pick up the puppy and start sprinting. The puppy wagging its tail in my arms and licking my face.
"You better love me you little shit," I see a truck up ahead with keys in it and push myself harder, backpack smacking my shoulders hard but I don't have time to notice.  I open the door quickly and jump in. I close the door and quickly lock it, just as the zombie hit the door hard. I quickly turn the key, praying the engine turns over. It stutters but doesn't start. The puppy is barking at the zombie as it smashes itself on the door, "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!!! Work, damn it!" it starts up and roars to life I hit the gas hard, jerking forward with the truck and turn the wheel sharply. I speed down the road and see zombies everywhere. I hit them without blinking and keep driving. I whip around the curve and ride smoothly down the road.

The puppy crawls into my lap as I swerve around all the abandoned cars, thinking while driving.              I hear wheels outside my window, I look down and see several other cars closing their hatches and then quickly speeding off at night. They are trying to flee from the unchangeable situation. Six months is all it took for the world to turn black, people taking their faith and throwing it out the window.  Two months for people to realize they would do anything for the new "wonder drug" . They would cheat, lie, steal, sell  their selves. Anything to ensure that they would be healthy, beautiful , youthful. I wonder how they think now, the zombies, if they can. Do they think its worth it ? To be beautiful for a second then die and walk the earth eternally . Never to love. All the people they killed unintentionally, did it haunt them? Was the groans from their mouths, groans or pain and misery, telling someone to help them please. To make them human again.

The sun was slowly turning into the hills , splaying the sky's with a light orange and pastel pinks and purples. It was beautiful, and no one could witness it with me. I look at the sleeping puppy next to me. "Sleep well, hell has yet to begin with you." I rub my hand down his back and play with the spot on his head, " Agony, I'll name you agony. Because I'm twisted like that." He raises his little ear and the went back into his deep, peaceful sleep.                        

I pull into a gas station and open the door looking around and dropping out of the large truck , Agony follows after and sniffs the air and runs around my ankles then runs too piss on a electric outlet, " Do that and you'll barbeque your penis off." He looks at me and slowly steps away from the electric outlet. I go in the store and look around, its creepy and cold. I climb one of the isles and look around see nothing. Still the chills haven't left. I jump down and run to the counter, pushing in the buttons for gas, running and grabbing some essentials, sprinting to the door and running outside. I throw the stuff in the truck and start pumping gas. As soon as I clicks I feel something behind me, Agony starts barking. I grab the lighter from my pocket and the gas pump and fling around.

Several feet from me is the missing attendant. Smiling wildly as blood drips from his mouth in a sick goo. He's huge. Plump and nasty. Greasy hair falling out in thick clumps. He starts to run at me. I run forward and spray him with gas. Agony barks louder, the zombie screeches and runs at me faster. Proceeding in pissing him off further, I duck under his arm and he grips my hair in his hand. He starts to drag me , pulling hard on my hair. Agony growls and runs forward , " NO! Agony," he whimpers and sits. I kick and scream as the zombie pulls me up and slams my against the wall. getting closer to my neck, I smell the rot on his breathe, the rancid sickly sweet smell. I strike the lighter and it doesn't light. He slams my hand against my hand against the door and the lighter drops. I push him hard and he lets go, I drop, bruising my knees and crawl to the lighter , he pulls my ankles and I grab the lighter and flick it, the flame blazes and I throw it on the zombie. He ignites and wails. Letting me go. I jump up and run to the truck. Grabbing Agony and jumped in the truck, flipping the engine and slamming on the gas. Looking in my rearview and seeing the zombie hit the gas pump and the whole station erupts in flame. I look at Agony as he lays in my lap and see I'm not alone anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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