Soccer Parties And Drama

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"Head's up!" I heard a voice behind me exclaim. I turned around and a blueberry bounced off my nose.
"What was that for?" I asked picking up the blueberry and tossing it into the trash can.
Luke smiled at me from the other side of the counter. Luke is technically my boyfriend but we are more friends than anything. In fact if we didn't have to, we probably wouldn't be dating. Lost? Let me help you. Luke is the captain of the boy's soccer team at EastField high. I'm the captain of the girls soccer team. It's been a tradition for ten years that the captains fall in love and are high school sweet hearts. I wouldn't call us that but we weren't going to be the people who messed that tradition up for everyone at EastField.
"Hey! I said heads up that should've been enough time for you to think," he said throwing up his arms in defense.
I giggled and returned to cutting slices of cheddar cheese.
There was a soccer team party tonight and Luke was helping me prepare. We'll sort of helping...
Soccer parties happened twice every month. Both the girls and boys teams came over to a house and we watched movies. We rotated on which team got to pick the movie.
Luckily for us, it was our turn and we decided to pick Tinker Bell just to annoy the guys.
Works like a charm.
Luka was setting out the drinks and I was making the snack. Cheese and crackers. Simple yet delicious.
"Hey Luke can you pass me that un-opened Coke over there on the counter?" I said.
"Hmm depends," he said tapping his chin in fake concentration. "Can you give me Lisa's number?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
We both knew we didn't like each other in that way so we both know who we actually like. After ten years of knowing him he finally admitted to liking my best friend, Lisa.
She didnt play soccer or any other sport but she was super smart. The only thing was she didn't like Luke back. I had yet to tell him that fact and wasn't planning on saying it anytime soon.
"Yeah you wish," I said snorting unattractivly."I'll just get it myself." I replied hopping over to my Coke.
"Please Alaska..." He said making a sad face anyone would give in to. Everyone except me.
I popped open the Coke can and took a sip. "Stop yammering and help me get things ready in the living room," I said. Okay I'll confess. When I said neither of us like each other that was slightly a lie. I have a major crush on Luke. Who wouldn't? But I couldn't let him know. He doesn't like me and I'm okay with that. There's plenty of other fish in the sea for me. Such as Garret from the boys soccer team. He was cute and smart. Plus any guy who played soccer was an okay guy in my book.
"Ugh fine," Luke pouted, following me to the living room of my house.
I started to straighten up the floor and tables. Luke sat in the corner on his phone.
I felt slightly jealous and wanted to know who he was texting. Oh my glob stop acting like this Alaska you are a total stalker it's probably just one of his friends. I looked back down to the pillows I was collecting and putting on the couch.
I sat  on the couch when I was done. "Watch out!" Luke yelped as he jumped and landed next to me on the bright red couch.
It was 5:00 and people should be arriving any minute now. We just had to wait.
I yawned and rested my head on Luke's shoulder. It had been an exhausting day. Practice was tougher than usual. Coach had been putting a lot of pressure on me lately to pick some college that offered me a scholarship. One out of many. When I told him I had other options he completely flipped out. Ever since he has been making me do extra sprints, criticizing me in every mistake, and yelling if I stop to take a break.
"Do I need to talk to your coach, Alaska?" He said actually sounding concerned. "Ever since Friday you are completely exhausted from practice."
"No I'm fine, I just need to work harder," I started. "Coach just wants what's best for me, and the team...I should listen to him."
We were both silent. I would've fallen asleep on his shoulder if the doorbell didn't ring just at that moment.
"I got it," Luke said standing up to answer the door.
I sat up straighter. I yawned and rubbed at my eyes trying to get rid of the sleepiness.
I heard the door open and rowdy boys enter my household.
Just the sound of them made me feel happier. The soccer team was my second family. The one that didn't leave all the time for business.
The all ran in the living room yelling. I didn't even know why they were also so...rambunctious.
"Hey Alaska!" yelled Garret from the group of guys.
I waved.
Soon they calmed down and the doorbell rang again.
"I got this one," I said getting up from my spot on the couch.
The boys were too busy talking about random stuff to notice though.
When I opened the door, nobody was there. Then all of the sudden the girls jumped out with sleeping bags.
"BOO!" They screamed. I shook my head. They do it every time.
"Come on in psycho paths," I said through giggles.
They sprinted inside and I heard the noise of conversation as the boys greeted the girls.
I walked into the kitchen to grab the snack. When I walked back out the girls were seated on the floor while the guys had taken the couch and were spread out like kings.
"Aw they did it agin,huh?" I said taking a seat at the foot of the couch right next to Luke.
The girls nodded pretending to act solemn. But nobody could stay mad at a soccer party. It was way too much fun.
Luke rested his feet on my shoulders.
"Ew! Get those...things off of me," I said swatting at his legs trying to shove his feet off. They wouldn't budge. "Ugh," I grumbled while the group laughed.
Let me just give you a little description about all the girls and boys off the EastField soccer team.
First off, Lacy. She's a senior,outgoing and plays defense. She also plays guitar as a hobby.

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