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So as school goes on and the dreaded midterms pass, the snow starts to fall, and hands start to go numb, the days drag on as if this will never end.

You see, every school day I wake up at 6:10, but don't get out of bed until about 6:30. Then, I get out from under my warm cave of blankets and countless pillows, and land my feet on the cold floor before putting on my cold slippers.

After that, I make my way down the hallway and into the bathroom where I first brush my teeth, then wash my face, and lastly play around with my hair and make my face look somewhat presentable. And by that, I mean put on Chapstick and maybe do my eyebrows. I've given up on makeup.

Then I quickly make my way back to my room and I will probably put on leggings, either a black or grey sweatshirt, long fuzzy sock, and boots. I'll grab my phone and headphones and run down the stairs.

I get into the kitchen and either quickly make a bagel or toast, if I'm lucky and have time I'll make a bowl of cereal, but that's rare, or I'll just grab whatever I can find for breakfast, chuck it into my bag and move onto the next thing, lunch. Most of the time I'll just make myself some sort of trail mix or grab a whole sleeve of saltines with a huge bottle of water.

And once I realize it's 7:04 I yell a goodbye to my mom, and jump out of the door to wait for the bus to come around.

The bus usually gets there around 7:06, so while I wait for two very long minutes I either find a good song to play, look at the either beautiful and inspiring morning sky or the grey and not-so-happy sky.

There's a kid across the street from me who's either dancing in the street trying to act cool, or just lazily walking back and forth. And there's also a kid next door to me who is also just either staring at the sky or looking down the street for the bus.

Once the bus gets there, I wait for Stacy, the bus driver to give me the signal to cross, I cross the street quickly, and jump up the stairs. She'll give a quick "good morning" or "hey" and I usually don't speak loud enough for her to hear, but it's the thought that counts, right?

Anyways, I'll plop myself down somewhere near the middle of the bus, listen to music, and look out of the window once scrolling through social media becomes boring. We arrive at the middle school at 7:15, the younger kids get off, then we make our way to the high school.

When we arrive, it's about 7:18, so I'll listen to music until 7:23, then put my headphones into my backpack and wait for the doors to open at 7:25.

I walk into the school filled with equally tired kids and walk into the art room. My friends are always there in the morning so I might as well just stay there with them.

My one friend will go and get breakfast around 7:30, leaving me there with everyone else to talk to. And sadly, the 7:45 bell will ring sooner than I would I like. So I will quickly make my way down either hallway, depending on what day it is I'll be going to either English or History. The second bell will ring at 7:50 which is a sign for everyone to shut up and get ready for first period.

Once I'm to whichever class I was assigned to go to on that day, I sit and mainly day dream the entire first period.

The school day goes on and lunch is eventually here. I have lunch at 11:35 or at 12:15, it just depends on the day once again.

After lunch I always have Biology. With the same people and the same teacher everyday. Once that class is over I stay in the same room for advisory. In my opinion, advisory is stupid. All everyone does is either talk, sit on their phones, sleep, or some people attempt to do homework. I'm usually on my phone counting down each minute until 2:20.

At 2:20 the final bell of the day rings, and I'm free to go. I walk down the same hallways, and out of the one door and wait by the same light pole where the bus picks me up.

Then the bus will take the same route, leaving me to be the last one to get off. I'll walk up to the front, Stacy will say "have a good evening" and I will respond with "thank you, you too."

I'll walk across the street to my house, unlock the door and greet my dogs. I might grab something to eat or drink and either plop down on the couch, go upstairs to my bed, or take a much needed hot bath.

After that, it's time to scroll through social media for hours on end until my mom gets home from work. I'll scream out "hello" and she will respond with one back to me.

Eventually it will be time to eat dinner, and I'll go to bed. I'll spend two hours either listening to music or watching Netflix while talking to my friends before I finally set down my phone and go to sleep.

Once I wake up, it's just another repeated day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2016 ⏰

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