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On the hot, Californian day the two boys at the average American school crossed paths as they walked through the school yard. Moving to their last period class, they grimaced at one another, knowing the exact reason why.
Both the boys wanted to date the young, cute American girl, Olivia, a band obsessed girl with dark long hair.
Both boys were fencers, and so they agreed that they would fence and the winner would have lady Liv as their girlfriend.

//after class//

One boy, Yoseph, was a sweet boy. He liked walking and talking with Liv, about the things she liked. Unlike Yoseph, the other boy, Francois, who was a pretentious French boy.
The two met in a small room next to the gymnasium, a place where fencing was practiced in the school. They showed up at around the same time, wearing their ugly suits and carrying their ugly hats.

Standing in position with the weird fencing pole things in one hand they shook with the other, nodding silently at one another.

With their ugly hat things on another friend of Liv's stood by to call who won. She waved her hand a made a sound that meant "go" to the boys and they burst into action.
They clink of the sword-pole things hitting each other being the only nose in the room as Liv watched with anticipation waiting to see who her suitor would be.

They're pole things caught up in a cross above their heads Yoseph suddenly had the upper hand, moving his pole over Francois' he brought them down only to jab Francois in the lower abdomen. 

Liv's American friend called the two apart, standing between the two she declared Yoseph had won. The boy smiled at Liv, before crossing the room quickly to grab a real sword and slice Francois into four slices of pretentious-French boy.

Liv laughed,  knowing that this boy would win, admitting she only wanted to see the show the two walked out the school silently. Hand in hand they decided to run away to Canada to escape the creepy af Donald Trump, Liv already having a Canadian friend, Alsex, and a sheep farm awaiting her. Her years worth of plans finally playing out perfectly, just how she'd hoped. Her next goal in life would be to have more sheep than Matt Bellamy and begin to plan her wedding

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