Broken Ice

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Copyright © 2013 by Olivia Cherie Davidson.  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher or author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages to the purpose of making critical articles or in a review.

You touch my work and you're in the deep doggy doo doo kind of shit.


She hadn't changed since high school. Sure, I'd seen her around a few times after we all graduated but the irony that after being in the same school with her since we were kiddies and ended up going to the same community college fell flat. Jefferson, Conneticut was a really small place so most of us, if we even went to college, ended up in St. Jefferson Community College.

Some part of me had always expected Karly to move out of town, though. She never seemed to like it here from what I could tell.

Her bright blue eyes sparkled as she loitered by the classroom door, talking animatedly with a dark haired girl about an inch taller than her. Karly'd finally cut her long wavy blonde hair, her new do just shy of her shoulders, big curls streaked with brown and noticeably wild. An oversized grey and white mens (she had tiny shoulders that in no way fit that huge shoulder span) button down and large grey scarf clothed her upper body and as Karly laughed I realized that this wasn't the Karly I'd known in high school.

This Karly was different, and I was determined to find out why.


Karly Tate used to be on top of the world.

She was everyone's princess-straight A student, most popular in her entire high school, and destined to be forever with Jefferson, Conneticuts prince, Aeron Parsons.

Then her entire family perishes in a plane crash.

Starting community college the summer after the accident, Karly wants to do nothing more than to finish off her required two semesters quietly and then move to Massachusetts to the college of her choice. Problem is, Samson Mallory's having none of that. The exchange student latches onto Karly like an obstinate barnacle and no matter what she does, she can't seem to shake him. Will Samson be able to survive Karly's broken heart? Or will she leave Conneticut just as she was-a field of broken ice?

So read if you want to. I'd love it if you would, but hey! Your choooiiccceeee *winks suggestively at you* *alter ego slaps her* OW! Jeezus, alter ego. Just trying to get 'em to read...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2013 ⏰

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