Chapter 1: Past trauma

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"Time for class 2a's injections!" Miss Jung announces to the class in a cheerful voice. The whole class groaned.

Jimin froze up, body tense, heart racing. "Injections..." This obviously meant pulling your sleeve up and getting a needle injected into your arm. Yes, it's just a quick injection with maybe a bit of pain but, however, what everyone didn't know, was that Jimin was a cutter.

//3 years ago//

Mr.Park had just finished a presentation for work on his computer when he all of a sudden felt a gust of heat coming into the room from the gaps around the door.
"Why is it so hot all of a sudd--" Mr.Park was cut off when he saw smoke entering the room.
"Smoke? there a fire?!" He quickly jumped off of his chair and swung the door open to be greeted by flames building up downstairs.
"Honey?!! *cough* J-Jimin?!!"
"H-honey g-*cough* go save Jimin" Mrs.Park shouted through tears downstairs.
She's been smoking heavily again, fell asleep, and was awoken by the excessive heat of the fire surrounding her. Before the heat got too bad, she quickly, with shaky hands, called the ambulance.

"Jimin!!" Mr.Park shouted. He entered Jimin's room to see the boy sitting on his bed, with knees up to his chest, looking around terrified and not knowing what to do at the moment, panicking.
"Jimin come here" Mr.Park rushed over to Jimin, picked him up but before he could open the door, Mrs.Park ran in, still crying.
"Jimin!! Oh Jimin you're okay, it's okay, we'll get out here soon, the firemen should be here any minute now *cough*"
Within seconds, they heard banging on the door.
"It's the ambulance!!" Mrs.Park shouted.
"Don't worry baby, we'll be out here soon, it's okay, it's okay" Mrs.Park kissed her sons forehead and held him tight in her arms with Mr.Park hugging them both.
The firemen soon arrive in Jimin's room.
"T-take my son, save my son first please!!" Mrs.Park screamed at the fireman. The fireman followed her orders and carried Jimin downstairs as quick as he could in time to save the parents also before the house burst into complete flames. Jimin was just put in the ambulance when the fire increased more and more.
"Quick!! Go back inside and save the parents too!" The fireman said to the other firemen.
The firemen immediately ran into the house, upstairs and carried the parents downstairs and into the ambulance.
As soon as the firemen got back in the ambulance to rush to the hospital, the other fire truck was busy washing away the flames.
The fire soon went out, the house was burnt almost completely, but on the good side, the firemen managed to stop the house from causing an explosion and burning any other houses down along with it.

//at the hospital//

"I'm sorry to say this but...both your parents couldn't make it and have passed away, we did all we could, I'm terribly sorry.." The tears in Jimin's eyes grew more and more as the doctor was speaking until he left the room, leaving Jimin to let out all his tears.

Sometimes, crying is the only way your eyes speak when your mouth can't explain how broken your heart is..

"What will I do now?..."
"Now I have nobody.."

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