Meet Grey and the dogs

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Gibbs . Long time no see brother says his old unit mate Jace Jordan. To long Jace.

"You call me for a reason? Yeah I need you to help a young marine. What's going on with them? In the last two years his life's gone to hell. Explain J. Two days after is eighteenth birthday his twin brother was killed in a hit and run. Then two weeks ago he lost his older brother . He's switching to reserves and I think if not for his dogs he would end it all.

Dogs ? Would they come with him? His Doberman and lab. Yeah I all ready cleared it with Morrow . Just needed you to say yes . He's Tony's age so they should get along . Ok.
He will be here tomorrow .

The next morning

-Calm down Grey. You served in Iraq for gods sake you can handle anew job in the states-

The  elevator opens and he commands heel Diablo and heel Tuck.

Tony and Gibbs see a young man about 6'5 with a strawberry blond marine cut wearing a dark blue button down tucked in black jeans . With his dog tags outside his shirt.He had a scar on his left hand . Carrying a black backpack over his right shoulder while holding two leashes in his left hand . On the the   Dark green leash was a red and tan Doberman with a white blaze on the center of his chest with amber eyes alert and staring straight at them with a light green collar and a chock chain which the leash was attached to along with a vest that said police dog. The other as red and it led to a chocolate lab with dark brown eyes and a red collar and the a chock chain with the vest. The man steps forward and says My name is Greyson Peterson . I would like to be called Grey. The Doberman is Diablo and the lab Tucker or Tuck for short.

Anthony DiNozzo . Tony
Leroy Jethro Gibbs.Gibbs or boss.
What are the dogs trained in.
Diablo is a crossed trained Arms and  protection dog . Tuck is crossed trained bomb and drugs dog.

Good for this line of work . Get the dogs stuff set up at the left desk and we will give you a your tour.
Oh and Semper Fi brother . Ora.

He goes to the indicated desk and pulls out two bed rolls for the dogs and tells them both to lay down . Down Tuck. Down Diablo. Then he pulls out to water bowls , and fills them for a water bottle he has in the backpack.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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