Price of Time

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Everyone loves time travel on my world except me .
My name is Danny, for some reason I can't remember my last name , who my family is( or was), or where and when I'm from. All I know is that I'm 16, with black curly hair, and blue skin (don't ask, I don't know why). Oh, and did I mention that I can time travel?
25 years ago a company called Time X developed time travel after building the first time machine , a sold more time machines to countries all over the world.

Over time, everyone was time traveling to the point where time paradoxes were springing up all over the world, government officials were trying to figure out what to do to stop the world from ending. Finally,20 years ago, Time X figured out how to manually shut down every time machine. But a former Time X inventor named Jonathan Hechos figured out how to make a serum based off of the electrical system of the time machines and injected himself making him a time traveler . Soon he sold his serum to the black market making it possible for everyone to time travel again. Now the world is in chaos, paradoxes are popping up all over the world causing cities to vanish and people to die randomly, the government has tried everything, but it's too late, those who were injected with the serum pass it on to their children . You would think people would stop time traveling once they realized how bad it is , some people just love the idea of time traveling no matter what the cost . I seem to be the only one who hates time traveling , and I will do anything to right the wrong in this world .

Deathless Time, Timeless Death #WattyAwards2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora