The walk through

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*Tick tock tick tock*
Sitting in the chair waiting for the lady to call my name out, I was at the counseling office.
People make fun of me because I need counseling. My name is Carol, I am eighteen and I need a counselor, laughing yet? Never had any friends, and practically no family. Everyone I know and love live in seattle, they all moved away, I am still stuck here, Just holding on. I live in new York city alone. I am currently fighting depression and anxiety, Every Monday and Friday I come to a group counseling session with other people. The future is scary, For now all I can do is hold on, My mother said that before she moved away.
My brother became successful in life, he got a good paying job in seattle and my mom currently is working in a library, I just work at some kids book store, my mother says that I am good with kids and that the job I have at the moment is perfect for me.
"*Clears throat* Ms.Acum..? It's time." The lady had a stern look on her face as she led me to the big room.
The Lady sat me down in one of the few chairs in the circle with other people, in the circle there was two guys and three women. I was one of the three, everyone said hi like so and we got started by introducing ourselves to each other. Of all things the lady just had to pick me to be first.

"Uh, hi. My name is Carol, White, Acum. I am eighteen and I..I have anxiety and depression."
"Very nice! Welcome Carol, We are very happy to have you here with us." The lady seemed nice, but she was just pretending because it's her job. Then everyone else told about them selves, Most of everyone had depression, I am just glad that no one laughed at me though, But instead of laughing everyone was talking, No one heard anything I said. Once again I am a nobody, the world with me is nothing.
No one cares about what I have to say, No one cares. I wish that I was etleased the same as everyone else though, Normal. When the session was finished I walked home, I came into the elevator and went onto my floor, When I walked up to my door I sat there and waited, Just one minute etleased. I sighed and opened my door with the key and made myself a salad and some takeout chicken breasts from yesterday. When I finished my food I went to bed which was at 10:30 I haven't done much today, just went to work and walked all day, went to my counseling session and here I am, yeah, not mu h has happened in my day. Nothing ever does anyway. Life for me is just a cycle of getting nowhere. Only if I had someone that cared.

Hope You Enjoyed My First Chapter!
Love Ones That Have No Love...
Song above is From a wonderful movie called Hatchi, the song is called goodbye.
I thought that it would go perfectly with the story. BTW cx

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