Dare Us! :3

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Me: Okay listen up everyone! 

Eevee: Okay! *cat face*

Flareon: W-what..

Vaporeon: What?

Glaceon: HMMM?!

Sylveon: What is it *huge smile* 

Jolteon: What up?

Espeon: Yes? 

Umbreon: Wut?

Leafeon: Yerpers?

Me: Okay so your gonna get dared and you'll have to answer people's questions * smiles* 

Umbreon: So like truth or dare?

Me: Yes hehe..

Sylveon: Okay sounds fun!! *cat face* 

Leafeon: I guess it would kinda be fun..

Espeon: Duh it will I'LL be there! And we all know I'M the prettiest and the sma-

 Umbreon: We get it, Espeon

Espeon: You're just jell of my beauty! 

Umbreon: Right me...The GUY is "jell" of your beauty??

Espeon: *say dramatically*  Y-you think I'm...Beautiful? *Blushes and moves closer to him in confusion* 

Umbreon: *blushes* Well yeah..

Espeon: *Smiles* How sweet Umbreon! 

Umbreon: Yeah yeah


Umbreon/Espeon: What?? 

Me: What?? Nothing nothing at all...

Me: anyways.. So I'll start the game you guys finish get it?

Everyone: Got it! 

Me: Okay so Sylveon

Sylveon: Hmm? 

Me: Truth or dare?

Sylveon: Truth!

Me: Do you like someone? 

Sylveon: Yea..

Sylveon: Okay Espeon, Truth or dare?

Espeon: Dare.

Sylveon: I dare you to tell us how you feel about love *smiles* 

Vaporeon: Oh boy..

Espeon: Oh well I just think love it so beautiful and happy and OH don't even get me started on love songs they are WAY TO CUTE! I think a cute date would be...He would take..HER...to the beach and they would eat there and than he would walk her to a old but yet beautiful castle and take her to the mane room and purpose right there and right then... <3 AWW

Umbreon: ...

Sylveon: ....

Me: Okay then.. 

Espeon: What?!

Umbreon: Well then.. Its you're turn now 

Espeon: Oh yeah! Hehe Ummm. Vaporeon, Truth or dare?

Vaporeon: Dare.

Espeon: I dare you to take someone out tonight and tell us who it was in the morning *evil Cat face*

Vaporeon: kk

Vaporeon: Flareon, truth or dare?

Flareon: Truth.

Vaporeon: If you could chose one of any of the girls here to go out with which would  it be?

Flareon:Oh.. Um G-Glaceon.. 


Glaceon: Aww, really? 

Flareon: Yes...

Glaceon: *walks to him and licks his ear* You're so sweet!

Everyone: awww!

Flareon: Jolteon, Truth or dare?

Jolteon: truth.

Flareon: What's you're favorite song?

Jolteon: What Hurts The Most *cat face*

Jolteon: Umbreon, truth or dare? 

Umbreon: Dare.

Jolteon: I dare you to sing with Espeon in the next chapter .

Umbreon: Okay 

Umbreon: Eevee, truth or dare? 

Eevee: Truth! :D 

Umbreon: Is it true that you ship me and Espeon? 

Eevee: Yeps

Eevee: Leafeon, truth or dare?

Leafeon: Truth.

Eevee: Whats you're favorite game?

Leafeon: Head it! :D 

Leafeon: Glaceon, truth or dare?

Glaceon: Truth.

Leafeon: What's you're favorite ship?

Glaceon: Esbreon! :D 

Me: Okay I think that's all of you guys. So now you can all go rest now ;) 

Eeveelutions:  YAY!! *all go to their own rooms* 

Vaporeon: *Walks into Glaceon's room* Glcaeon? 

Glaceon: V-Vaporeon..? 

Vaporeon: Yes.

Glaceon: What is it?

Vaporeon: Come with me *smiles* 

Glaceon: Okay *smiles and follows him *

*He takes her to a abandon house and there are lights all around it and its snowing and the shimmering icicles with the lights shining on it makes them sparkle* 

Glaceon: Wow its..its beautiful Vaporeon!

Vaporeon: *blushes*  I'm glad you like it! 

Glaceon: *runs around for a bit and plays in the snow and eats it* I love it! *cat face* 

Vaporeon: *smiles* 

*they walk back together and Glaceon she walks back to her room and so does Vaporeon*

  Don't forget to leave a dare(s) or you're question(s) in the comments :3 

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