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The italized parts are flashbacks. I hope you understand this story. Anyway , happy reading☺!

"Hey! Give way! Ice is here". "Yeah! Ice the bully." Tss.. they're whispering as if I can't hear them. What a bunch of fools! Yeah I'm a bully so what? This is me. I'd love to ruin other people's day. By the way I don't have friends for I don't need them anyway. The best company I've ever had is myself. Not until one day I met this very annoying, talkative, hyper and addict creature. She's not what you think she is. She's not human, not an animal, nor a thing. But a ghost! A very annoying ghost. I don't know how she find me. I guess I'm just popular, even the dead ones rise up in the middle of the night where they rest in peace. Nah! I'm just kidding about the popular thingy. But the ghost one? Unfortunately it's shockingly true. Now I have to deal with her every single day of my life. She keeps following me wherever I go. You think I'm scared?! Over my dead body! No one messes with me, for I am Ice the bully. "Hey Icy what's up?!" guess who said that: none other than the freaking ghost. She keeps on bothering me to change, to befriend others, to be good to them. One time it happened to be my worst unforgettable day ever! I never thought that someone will talk back to me. Me? The Great Ice? How dare they! I was embarrassed and humiliated in front of many people. But then this ghost beside me keeps on saying, "Ice, stepping on one's dignity to raise yourself is bad. Even the oppress will be able to speak for their dignity was being assaulted. There's nothing better than respecting one's honor an reputation. Ice, please change, for the better." says the ghost. I think for a second, maybe she has a point. Then suddenly pictures from the past pop out of my mind. All of it was vague. I do have this feeling that I've met her before. Who is she? That's the biggest question that is yet to be answered. Then I asked for her name, it was Erza, that's the only thing she remembered. We talk and talk. As days passed, we grew fond of each other. Each day I forgot to bully others. Now, I was able to cope up with others. All of this was because of her, my friend Erza. I've learned to love and be loved. Though she's a ghost I still feel the warmth of her care and concern. I kept her a secret. I don't want people to know that I have a supernatural friend, a ghost. They might think I'm crazy.

One day, my few friends whom I had gained for the past few days invited me to a pool party. I don't know how to swim so I just stayed still. The party is almost over, so people started to go home. I was helping packing the things that was used for the party. I was about to passed by the pool when I accidentally slipped. I fell over the water. My head hit the floor. I can't hardly breathe anymore, darkness fills me... maybe I'm about to die. I remembered everything, about my past, about me having a friend before..

"Icy! We're going to swim to the pool! Yey!" said a six-year old girl. "Hey wait for me!", that little girl and me went swimming. Suddenly, she fell on the deepest part of the pool. I was shock that I can't move. I was no swimmer. I couldn't save her. She called my name but I can't help her. I called for help, but was too late. She's gone. She died because of me. That girl, my bestfriend. She protects me for I'm a weakling before. This is the reason why I became a bully. I thought it was the only way to get stronger. But I was wrong, completely wrong. Friends, family and everyone who supports me are the source of my strength... there came a light, flashing into my eyes. I was alive, someone saved me.

After I was confined, I hurriedly went to her grave. There I saw her standing near a tree, smiling back at me. That was Erza my bestfriend. There I started crying. "Shhh.. don't cry Icy, finally you change." she smiled. "It was my fault that you died!",I cried. "No Icy it's not your fault. You are not to be blamed. I'm glad that now you're able to cope up with other people. Please be happy." ,she said. "Wait! Why are you fading?! What's happening to you?" "I guess it's time for me for me to say goodbye... she hugged me and whispered something that  made my heart flatter. "I love bestfriend".

After that day I still imagine Erza, I was used to her presence. As I was walking in the hallway of our school, someone bumped into me. She thought I'm going to be pissed by her but I just gave her a smile and apologized. We shake each other's hand and became friends. Well not just any friend but my new bestfriend, Lucy! That day was the start of a new chapter of my life. Erza may be gone, but her memeories will still be with me as new friends come, and cherish every memory that we'll share.


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