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1. Be nice, unless others let you, if some do, you can be mean to them, if some don't, don't be mean,
2. Ask to do certain things,
3. If someone is being a supporter of the box nation (sashato nemesis) or mean, mostly mean... Tell me in any way!
4. Anyone can join any rp, or you can create one!
5. Have fun!!!

Other stuff!
-to join ones rp, you reply, and to start an little rp with others, create a comment, and you tell someone things about your rp, and if your lucky, your rp might become a rp haven for some! :D
-you are able to make a tiny rp so it will be easier to find, I hope..

Anyway, cya! Have fun!
Don't forget to request!
Rps r fun!
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Its: luckybubbles

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