The Façade

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The Façade

When I was a young girl, maybe 5 or 6, I would lie down and imagine how my life would turn out. This was a time when I thought the world was infinite, and anything was possible. I thought happiness and close and tangible, willing to be possessed by anyone who truly desired it. Well I truly wanted happiness and I just knew it could and would be mines. But I was young and naive. I soon grew to learn that happiness was a temporary façade, just like love. Books and television advertise love and happiness, like it's so easily attainable. Now I know, these perceptions are fairy tales just like Cinderella and snow white. There is no happily ever after. Life is an endless cycles of short-lived bliss and inevitable disappointment. But I've learned to enjoy the bliss to the fullest, and cope with the disappointment, because we all die in the end anyways

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